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中文摘要 隨著高齡社會的來臨,老人人口成長快速,為提高老人照顧品質及專業人力養成,台灣成立超過40所老人服務事業及高齡長照相關科系。然而,老服及長照科系畢業生投入老人服務領域不到一半,顯示年輕人投入長照領域的動機有待提升。在學校教育的養成過程中如何透過服務學習、實作實習的連結,促進年輕學生投入老人長照領域,是本研究的目的。本研究以大學的專業服務學習課程為研究內容,課程邀請業師共同教學,學生分組撰寫社會服務方案計畫書,進入日間中心、托老中心帶領團體活動。研究方法為行動研究法,希望改進教學實務工作。研究工具為文件分析及觀察法,檢視專業服務學習課程的設計與教學計畫檔案,分析學生的服務學習成果報告、學習反思回饋單、觀察學生至日照中心服務學習之實作狀況。研究結果顯示,實作練習讓學生有更深入的體驗和省思,多數同學更清楚關於失智、失能長輩的活動帶領技巧,從實作中學習從挫折中累積經驗及發揮團隊合作的精神,有助於未來實習及投入職場的準備。
洪櫻純(2018)。 大學生至日間照顧中心服務學習之實作與反思。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(2), 137-148。
Service Learning by College Students in Day-Care and Eldercare Activity Centers
Hung, Y.-T.
English Abstract The world's population is aging. Adapting to this ageing trend poses economic, social and political challenges. For example, there are over 40 departments in universities or colleges in Taiwan that is related to senior citizen service management or long-term care. However, less than half of graduate students want to work in the elder and long-term care industry. This indicates a lack of motivation in young people to serve senior people. In this study, we will focus on higher education. The number of service learning and practicum courses has been increasing and students can learn practices by actually performing them. We invited teachers and industry professionals to conduct lectures. Students had to write social service proposals and lead activities in day-care and eldercare activity centers. Such learning by doing provides students with more experiences than would be available in a classroom setting. It also allows them to reflect, especially when interacting with disabled people and those and with dementia, and learn how to lead activities. Students also learn how teams work and become more willing to serve the elderly, thus improving their motivation to work in the long-term care and eldercare industry.Keywords:willingness to serve the elderly, service learning, day-care center, college student