融入生命教育精神的工程課程教學策略與課程設計之研究 -以輔具科技設計為例
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中文摘要 身心障礙人數隨著人口老化,人類生存環境變遷,以及認定標準的放寬,已經呈現逐年增加。輔助科技的需求逐年提升,過去被視為小眾產業的情況也將改觀。近年來北歐、英國以及美國政府與民間合作,全力發展資通訊屬性的各式輔助科技,相形之下,台灣在輔具開發的資源投入有待提升,極需培育研發人才。過去95%輔具提供使用者後未被持續使用,原因是無法符合使用者的需求。輔具的開發經常偏重設計者的觀點,而忽視使用者的根本需求,其肇因於科技研究者缺乏長期合作的場域,無法理解身心障礙者的處境。因此本研究邀集電子、特教、社工與心理領域專家進行跨領域合作規劃課程三門課。首先關懷設計導引學生體驗與感受身障者的處境,培養社會情懷,增強學習的使命感與動機。接著身心障礙科技服務學習的實作課程,以小組方式走進場域,以電子科技專業出發,與跨領域第一線工作者合作協助身心障礙者進行身心復健,以加深工程學生日後適切應用科技的可能性,同時增加對非營利組織與身心障礙者生活的想像,有助於日後投入輔助科技研發產業的能力。最後以總結性(capstone)課程,學習輔助科技設計與場域應用,重點在於看見需求看到彼此,藉由長期介入進而促成身障個案的轉變,培養具人文關懷行動研究能力,能獨立研發輔具的工程人才。
陳歷渝、康雅淑、繆紹綱、張耀仁(2018)。 融入生命教育精神的工程課程教學策略與課程設計之研究 -以輔具科技設計為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(2), 149-162。
Integrating life education into engineering curriculum design and teaching strategies: a case study of assistive technology design courses
Chen, L.-Y., Kang, Y.-S., Miaou, S.-G., Chang, Y.-J.
English Abstract The aging of populations worldwide, a global environment in transition, and the change to the standards have resulted in the population of people with disabilities increasing at an alarming pace. Assistive technology (AT) has been long considered non-mainstream because traditional wisdom thought of the user group as minor. However, this may no longer be true as the population of people with disabilities expands. With increasing need for assistive technology, talents are critical resources for driving the industry. This project is aimed at boosting the talent pool by developing key courses based on community-based research (CBR).
Community-based research helps students link subject matter to everyday life and develop a sense of responsibility to their community. While combining research and development into teaching software is widely practiced in engineering disciplines such as Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science (CS), such a practice is not commonly adopted in inclusive participatory research. We participated in the NGO by providing information technology (IT) and/or assistive technology. This project examines the practice of action research in service-learning projects that aim to introduce more socially responsible studies in the context of engineering education. It begins by exploring different forms of action research that may benefit engineering disciplines, with a focus on action engagement to improve students’ involvement in marginalized communities. The project provides field-based reflections of the action research project and suggests ways in which practice of action research may increase socially responsive value in the professional development of student engineers.
In its two-year span, the project will develop three courses: (1) designing a user-friendly environment through service learning approach, (2) non-profit technology for service learning, and (3) assistive technology and field applications. Efforts will be devoted to developing course materials for the first year. An evaluation of learning outcome will be conducted in the second year.Keywords:life education, action research, assistive technology, aging society, people with disabilities, multidisciplinary research