裴駿 徐仲楠 黃建華 孫天龍 黃振嘉
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中文摘要 台灣社會快速高齡化伴隨而來老年人口增加,有復健需求的人數也急遽上升。現今臨床復健專業人員所面臨最大的挑戰,是無法掌握患者進行居家復健/健康促進時的執行效果,針對此問題,本研究採用Kinect體感科技開發「遠距居家健康促進體感遊戲系統」。此系統針對居家復健患者設計個人化體感遊戲場景參數,病患使用系統之數據可經網路傳回遠端醫療院所監控系統中,由醫療專業人員進行指導與諮詢健康促進運動情況,同時體感遊戲工程師以「神迷理論」進行患者使用體感遊戲之動機分析。若數據分析顯示病患對於體感遊戲有不適應或使用動機降低情形,本系統也發展出「動態困難度調整循環」來進行遊戲參數調整,讓病人對體感遊戲保持高度興趣,以發揮健康促進最大效益。本研究篩選出2位自願參與之測試者進行系統臨床初步評估。其中一位順利完成1個月之測試,從其數據與神迷理論分析顯示,患者進行居家健康促進體感遊戲過程,可清楚呈現神迷理論中的「挑戰度—能力」間的互動關係,患者也隨著對系統與遊戲的熟悉,由焦慮感區進入到神迷區,並呈現穩定狀態。另一位參與患者則受目前硬體技術限制,無法克服實際環境影響,而於使用2週後決定放棄,但也提供了本團隊後續所須研究解決的方向。
裴駿, 徐仲楠, 黃建華, 孫天龍, 黃振嘉(2013)。 創新遠距居家健康促進體感遊戲系統開發與初步評估。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 51-62。
Developing a Personalized Home-Based Exergames Tele-System for Elderly Rehabilitation-A Preliminary Study
Pei C., Hsu, C.-N., Huang, C.-H., Sun, T.-L., Huang, C.-C.
English Abstract Due to the fast-growing of the senior population in Taiwan, the number of the patients who require rehabilitation has also gone up. The key challenge for the rehabilitation professional today is to monitor whether or not the patients truly conduct the routine physical therapy at home. In this paper, a home-based exergame system with the built-in motion-sensor is presented. The scenes of the games in the system can be customized according to the unique health need of each patient. The data from the exergame system the patients created at home were transmitted to the server at the medical institute. Both the rehabilitation professional and the software engineers at the medical institute then analyze the data by adopting the‘Flow Theory’in order to evaluate the motivation of using the exergame system from the patients as well as to provide the counseling and the instructions for the health promotion process. If the result of data analysis indicates a low motivation of using the system, the ‘Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Cycle’also developed in this paper, is for adjusting the parameters in the games to maintain patients’ motivation and to gain the maximum health benefits from this home-based exergame system. A clinical pilot test for the system evaluation was conducted. Two volunteered patients participated the pilot test. The patients played with the game system for a month at home, and the Flow Theory was applied to our analysis. The “total daily playing time” was chosen for comparison. It shows that the patients were unfamiliar and anxious with the system in the first two weeks; once they are skillful the play time reduced. The results show that the system not only increases the efficiency of the home-based health promotion and enhanced the ADL of the patients, but also proves the rehabilitation-exercise execution rate at home can be successfully monitored.Keywords:Motion-sensing Technology, Flow Theory, Rehabilitation, Tele-System