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中文摘要 許多陪伴型機器人能與高齡者進行互動,有助於舒緩高齡者心理的孤獨感,同時也嘗試提供高齡者基本的日常生活輔助。本研究以華碩電腦公司開發的智慧居家機器人Zenbo為對象,分三階段探討高齡者對Zenbo的實際使用體驗。第一階段為機器人使用者介面感受評估,並以日本著名的陪伴型機器人Paro為比較對象,受試者共41人,主要為樂齡大學及社區長者;結果發現雖然長者在回答問卷時的大部分項目均顯示Paro勝於Zenbo,然而深入訪談時發現長者喜歡Zenbo人數較多,主要原因在於Zenbo互動有趣且能夠對話。第二階段為功能喜好評估,並以智慧型手機iPhone Siri語音功能為比較對象;受試者與第一階段相同,結果發現就易用性來講,長者普遍覺得Siri更易操作,尤其是年紀較輕、高學歷的長者,3C產品使用經驗較豐富,對Zenbo的易用性評價較低,主要原因是Zenbo對語音反應不夠靈敏,然而大部份長者表示很喜歡Zenbo的跟隨功能,建議在此功能深入發揮。第三階段長者居家創新使用情境評估,結合長者需求與Zenbo程式設計功能,經由設計思考(design thinking)程序提出五項創新使用情境,並選擇「Zenbo陪伴運動小幫手」更進一步與失智症非藥物治療遊戲「WhizToys」配對遊戲結合開發,並評估長者與照護者的使用感受。整體來講說長者喜歡配對遊戲與Zenbo,但不太了解兩者關聯;照護人員認為Zenbo在旁邊的互動及背景音樂可以提升氛圍,加油鼓勵語句會增強長者信心,提升長者參與活動的意願。智慧居家陪伴型機器人可以提升高齡者生活品質、降低照護者負擔,使投入的照護資源發揮最大效益,同時並帶動相關產業發展,應是解決高齡化社會生活支援與健康照護問題重要策略之一。
白麗、鄭家凱、林恩如、陳思宇、張譯云、徐業良、華碩電腦智慧機器人產品企劃團隊(2021)。 陪伴型機器人使用者經驗評估─以智慧居家機器人Zenbo為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(3), 265-282。
User Experience Test of Companion Robot and Its Innovative Usage among Older Adults-Use Zenbo as an Example
Bai, D. L., Cheng, C.-K., Lin, E.-J., Chen, S.-Y., Chang, I.-Y., Hsu, Y.-L., ASUS Robot Marketing Team
English Abstract Many companion robots can interact with the elderly, which is conducive to the relief of psychological loneliness and offering basic living assistance. This study is aimed to explore the user experience of Zenbo, a smart household robot developed by Asus, among older adults in three phases.
The first phase evaluated the user interface of Zenbo in comparison with Paro, a famous companion robot. This phase recruited 41 participants who are mainly attendants of the senior citizens learning camp and community older adults. The results showed that although older adults displayed preference of Paro over Zenbo in their questionnaire responses, it was discovered in qualitative interviews that more people preferred Zenbo, owing to interesting interactions and its ability to engage in conversations.
Functional preference was evaluated in the second phase with a comparison with iPhone Siri. The participants were the same as the first phase. Results showed that older adults generally felt that Siri is easier to operate in terms of usability. In particular, older adults at a younger age, highly educated, and more familiar with 3C product gave poorer reviews on Zenbo's usability. The main reason lay in the fact that Zenbo does not respond sensitively to voice commands. However, most older adults expressed their preference for Zenbo's following function, and it is recommended to further expand in this area.
The third phase assessed the innovative usage of Zenbo for older adults. Five innovative situations were proposed via design-thinking process by students, and "Zenbo, the little exercise companion" function was selected to interact with elders and caregivers while playing WhizToys, a non- pharmacological treatment game for dementia. Overall, the older adults enjoyed both the matching game and Zenbo, but they do not understand the relevance between them. Caregivers believed that Zenbo's interactions and background music can enhance the atmosphere, while Zenbo's words of encouragement can stimulate their confidence and increase their willingness of participation.
Smart household companion robots can improve the quality of life for older adults and reduce the burden of caregivers. It can maximize the benefits of invested care resources with driving the development of related industries. Smart household companion robots should be further developed and assessed to serve as one of the important strategies to resolving social life support and health care issues related to aging society.Keywords:companion robot, user experience, user interface, older adult, dementia