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中文摘要 現今銀髮族經常面臨人與人疏離的問題,甚至在心理與生理上均已產生所謂的「憂鬱症」文明病,因此日常生活中如能讓銀髮族享有親近植物、與綠色生命對話的片刻,這將是一種愉悅的幸福,也是一般銀髮族想要追求的樂活生活(LOHAS),它反映的是這個時代最重要的人文精神;而綠美化設計所倡導的是將綠色植栽帶入居家生活中,讓我們的室內生活環境兼具綠化與美化,同時創造出屬於自我的「器物文化」,以達到怡情養性、淨化心靈、紓壓解悶、療癒身心等目的;因此希望能透過「設計」的力量為銀髮族解決日常生活紓壓的問題。本研究是透過兩階段步驟來實施,第一階段為前期設計研究階段:主要是透過Kano二維品質模式來了解銀髮族對於療癒花器產品的功能需求,並將資料收集分析以提供第二階段產品實務設計之參考依據;第二階段為後期產品實務設計階段:將以第一階段分析出的產品功能需求及品質要素,將之導入實際銀髮族療癒花器產品設計。最終研究結果顯示:高齡銀髮族對於療癒花器的設計最重視的是「情境營造」,其次為「外觀設計」,第三為「功能設計」,最後為「人因設計」。據此相關設計準則及目標,本研究最終設計出六款「創新銀髮族療癒花器產品」,希望藉此創新療癒花器設計以協助銀髮族解決日常生活紓壓的問題。
柯耀宗(2018)。 創新銀髮族療癒花器產品之開發設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(3), 283-300。
Design and Product Development of Innovative Healing Vases for Older adults
Ko, Y.-T.
English Abstract Social isolation is a common problem in the elderly, even causing some to become depressed. Everyone likes to take a break to touch and communicate with plants in a natural environment. This aspiration is especially true for people living in urban areas, and reflects the desire for a LOHAS lifestyle. Green-beauty design introduces plants into the indoor living environment. It can create a green living environment that helps to create a good mood, clean the spirit, release stress, and aid physiological and psychological healing. In this study, we attempt to use design elements to resolve the issue of pressure release for the elderly. The project was divided into two phases: 1) Front-end design study: the Kano model questionnaire is adopted to analyze users’ needs and design quality factors; 2) Rear-end practical product design: the innovative healing vase is designed using the results of the Kano model. The final results showed that the elderly focus on building scenario, industrial design, function design and human factors. Finally, we create six innovative healing vases for the elderly. We hope that the proposed innovative healing vases can help the elderly resolve life stress.Keywords:older adults, healing style vase, development and design of products, Kano Model, quality element