蔡詠叡 郭睿駖 章宇涵 江貞紅 黃惠玲
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中文摘要 長期臥床、失能、失智症或及其他身心障礙之長者,因生活無法完全自理及難以執行口腔照護,需要照顧者協助執行口腔清潔。但在執行口腔清潔時,常遇到長者抗拒、咬口及嗆咳等障礙,因而無法確實執行口腔照護,引發口腔疾病的產生,甚至導致其他嚴重的合併症。故本研究進行研發創新牙刷,提供長期臥床、失能或其他身心障礙之長者使用,以改善照顧者執行口腔清潔之困擾。本創新方法為將牙刷、抽痰管、照明與口咬部分做結合,因此具備刷牙、抽吸、照明、口咬及可替刷頭與抽痰管之功能。讓照顧者能順利且安全的協助長者執行口腔清潔,並能清楚檢視口腔內部情形和牙刷擺放位置是否正確,以更加輕易、簡便及有效地達到清潔。此口腔清潔器操作容易,具有便利、舒適、清潔、耐用、易安裝與拆卸等功能,可廣泛應用在長期臥床、失能、失智症及其他身心障礙者,提升照顧者協助口腔清潔意願,並可減少長者口腔問題及合併症。
蔡詠叡, 郭睿駖, 章宇涵, 江貞紅, 黃惠玲(2013)。 創新口腔清潔器之設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 63-70。
The Design of a Innovative Oral Cleaner with Integrated Illumination, Suction, and Brushing
Tsai, Y.-J., Kao, J.-L., Chang, Y.-H., Chiang, C.-H., Huang, H.-L.
English Abstract Elderly people with disabilities often have difficulties maintaining oral hygiene, because of their inability to take care of themselves. These elderly people often require the assistance of caregivers to maintain oral hygiene. But it is often difficult to perform oral maintenance for these people. The difficulties include patient resistance which may lead to biting and chocking situations. These situations often prevent caregivers from performing complete oral care, which can lead to the development of oral diseases and other serious complications. Our research and development team has begun to develop a new type of toothbrush to assist caregivers in providing oral care for the elderly. Through our efforts, we have combined the toothbrush with a suction apparatus, an illumination source, and a mouth guard. The innovative toothbrush is also integrated with exchangeable brush heads and suction tips which provide a user friendly oral cleaner. This new design can provide a safe and simple method in providing oral care for the elderly. The illumination source can provide a clear view of the brush position inside the oral cavity to ensure better brush placement. Using this innovative oral cleaner, the cleaning process can be made easier, more accurate, and more effective. Furthermore, this oral cleaner is easy to operate, effective in performing oral cleansing, and its construction is also very durable. The device is also very practical, because installation and disassembly is simple and fast. We hope that in the future, this device can be mass produced and widely implemented in the care of elderly people with disabilities. By simplifying the oral maintenance procedures for the caregivers, the device will reduce the occurrence of oral disease and other oral disease-related complications in the elderly.Keywords:Elderly, Oral health, Oral disease, Oral cleaning device