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中文摘要 人口高齡化已成為現代化國家的重要問題,然而輔助高齡者衛浴產品之質與量明顯不足,且國內、大陸及全球市場需求龐大,極需建立優質與友善之相關輔具研究、設計及設施。本文即是以輔助高齡者如廁起身之動作實驗來分析身體受力情形,以評估如廁輔具的設計參數及實施成效,進而提高如廁時之安全性。本文經由實驗及評估結果得知,以扶手結合座墊角度40度的設計,能減少高齡者起身時之軀幹前傾角度、最大足壓及重心位移部份,具有顯著的改善成效;利用紅外線攝影及自動產生骨架方式,進行起身動作實驗(軀幹前傾角度)的記錄和分析,具有一定的效能;而用來進行起身動作實驗(足壓與重心位移)記錄和分析的測力板量測方式,亦有助於提高動作實驗之效能。
游章雄(2019)。 輔助高齡者如廁起身之動作實驗與成效評估。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(4), 435-442。
Motion experiment and effect assessment for assisting elderly to stand up from toilet seat
You, J.-S.
English Abstract Population aging is an important topic worldwide. However, the quality and quantity of adaptive bathroom equipment for older adults remain inadequate. Therefore, research and design of facilities associated with high-quality and age-friendly assistive devices are necessary to fulfill the demand for such devices in Taiwan, mainland China, and internationally. In this study, an experiment was conducted on assistive devices used to aid older adults in getting up from the toilet. Older adults’ weight bearing condition was evaluated to design effective parameters and implement toilet aids in order to improve bathroom safety. The findings revealed that armrests combined with a seat cushion angle of 40° can successfully reduce older adults’ trunk forward lean angle, maximum foot pressure, and center of gravity movement when getting up from the toilet, leading to marked improvement compared with not using an assistive device. The results were verified using a developed infrared photography method and skeletal modeling for tracking and analyzing trunk forward lean angle of participants alongside a developed force plate measure for tracking foot pressure and center of gravity movement. These methods had favorable results and enhanced the effectiveness of the motion experiments.Keywords:elderly, motion experiment, assistive device design