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中文摘要 「含飴弄孫」是傳統華人社會中為高齡者生活設計的既定樣貌,因此對於「高齡者」相關之研究系列中,「就業/勞動力再運用」常常是一個被忽略或避而不談的議題。然而,高齡少子化的社會現象,導致現今職場嚴重的呈現出勞動力老化與短缺之問題,因此,高齡勞動力如何有效再運用逐漸成為各國間重要發展人力政策的一環。本文採取文獻分析研究法,進而瞭解英美日韓四國政府對於高齡勞動力之運用情況,以及分析目前台灣對於高齡勞動力運用之現況。藉由透過瞭解英美日韓四國的高齡勞動力之就業政策與運用,再次重新思考目前高齡勞動力的運用及危機,以期可以提升高齡者勞動參與度,進一步使人口職場老化及短缺的危機化為轉機。
陸憊憊(2019)。 從生產老化觀點初探英美日韓四國高齡勞動力政策之運用。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(4), 401-416。
Application of Senior Labor Policy in Britain, the United States, Japan and South Korea from the Perspective of Productive Ageing
Lu, P.-P.
English Abstract "A life of leisure in old age" is a commonly desired target for elderly people in traditional Chinese society. Therefore, “employment/reemployment” of labor is often an issue that is neglected or avoided in research areas for ageing. However, the social phenomenon of ageing and sub-replacement fertility leads to a serious labor shortage and ageing problem in the labor market. "How to use the older labor force again" has gradually become an important development policy among countries. This study reviews employment/reemployment of the aged labor force by the governments of the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and the current employment status of Taiwan’s older workers. A better understanding of the employment policies in the abovementioned four countries could result in a rethink of the use of senior citizens in the labor force, thus enhancing the labor participation rate of the elderly and turning an ageing population into an opportunity.Keywords:aging, manpower policy, gradual retirement