傅立成、許永真、 陳淑惠、洪一平、陳佳慧、廖峻鋒、吳治勳、陳錫中、彭熙寧、莊雯莉、陳達夫、邱銘章
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中文摘要 隨著人口老化,失智症患者人數呈現快速增加的趨勢,失智症對個人健康、家庭經濟和國家財政所造成的影響與負擔日益嚴峻。照顧者不僅要照顧失智症病患的生活,更須耗費心力應對多元精神行為症狀,複雜的照護需求常讓照顧者承擔莫大的壓力與負荷。本論文主要總結並呈現我們在科技部「行動生活科技與社會跨領域研究」三年期整合計畫中,針對失智症照護之研究成果。主要包含三項創新技術:失智症快篩系統、個別化生活影像敘事分享平台與第一人稱視角影像紀錄與活動分析機制。基於上述三項創新技術之研發與實施經驗中,探索孝行信念與關係義務感對照顧負擔的影響,發展相關量表,並透過訪談更細緻地了解台灣家庭在照顧失智症患者的心理歷程,以及評估行動科技的介入效果,進一步了解所發展之行動科技是否確有助益。
傅立成、許永真、 陳淑惠、洪一平、陳佳慧、廖峻鋒、吳治勳、陳錫中、彭熙寧、莊雯莉、陳達夫、邱銘章(2019)。 失智症照護的創新生活科技。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 6(4), 365-388。
Innovative Technologies for Dementia Care
Fu, L.-C., Hsu, Y.-J., Chen, S.-H., Hung, Y.-P., Chen, C.-H., Liao, C.-F., Wu, C.-H., Chen, H.-C., Peng, H.-N., Chuang, W.-L., Chen, T.-F., Chiu, M.-J.
English Abstract The number of dementia patients has increased rapidly in Taiwan in recent years. Dementia greatly impacts personal health, families and the national economy. Caregivers have to not only provide daily care and enable the social functioning of patients, but also respond to the demands of patients. As a result, caregivers are usually exhausted due to the pressure and burden from looking after dementia patients. Innovative technologies for the care of dementia patients include a fast and easy-to-use screening system for dementia, a platform for collecting personal living and social information, and a wearable embedded camera system that allows patients to record their daily lives with a first-person view. The camera system detects their behaviors and scenario changes, as well as creates their personal diaries by capturing images. The visual record helps to delay the process of memory loss and enhances the connectivity of memories. These technologies can reduce the pressure and cost of caring for dementia patients and improve their quality of life. We also investigated “sense of obligation” and “family resilience” that may impact families caring for dementia patients in order to further understand whether mobile technology really improves the quality of life for both caregivers and dementia patients.Keywords:dementia, reminiscence therapy, family care of dementia, family resilience, sense of obligation, behavior recognition