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中文摘要 本研究旨於探討桌上遊戲對機構高齡者正向情緒及休閒參與之影響,採前實驗設計法,立意取樣方式選取臺北市某安養中心居住滿半年,65歲以上、蒙特利爾認知評估MoCa22分以上之高齡者為研究對象,以桌上遊戲活動為介入策略,以正向情緒及休閒參與量表分別進行前後測。正向情緒分為愉悅、知足與自信三個構面,休閒參與則檢視高齡者在體能性、休憩性、知識性、社交性、服務性等五大類型之參與度及桌遊持續參與意願。前測後每週進行桌遊活動2次,活動進行五週共10次執行後測。採SPSS.17版統計軟體以平均數、標準差、無母數Wilcoxon檢定,比較前後測差異,以評估研究介入之成效。研究結果顯示:桌上遊戲介入活動令20名機構高齡者在愉悅、知足、自信三大正向情緒構面出現顯著差異。而且機構高齡者對桌上遊戲接受度高,且希望機構可以定期舉辦桌遊活動。機構安排的活動會影響高齡者之休閒參與狀況與正向情緒,建議機構參酌引進桌上遊戲成為常態型休閒活動。
蔡婉甄、鄭淑子、呂以榮、戴宏達(2019)。 桌上遊戲對機構高齡者正向情緒及休閒參與影響之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(1), 1-15。
A Study on Use of Board Games to Improve Positive Emotions and Leisure Participation of Institutional Elderly
Tsai, W.-C., Cheng, S.-Z., Leu, Y.-R., Dai, H.-D.
English Abstract This study aims to explore the effect of board games on positive emotions and leisure participation of institutional elderly. Elderly aged 65+, accommodated in a senior retirement home in Taipei for at least half a year, with 22 and above MoCa score were recruited as participants. Board games as intervention program were conducted twice a week in the senior retirement home for five weeks. Using a pre-experimental design, positive emotion and leisure participation were pre- and post-tested. SPSS 17.0 software was used to analyze data. Significant intervention effects caused by board games conducted in the senior retirement home were identified: positive emotions of the study subjects improved, and leisure participation of the participants increased. Board games are suggested to be introduced into senior retirement homes as one regular leisure activity.Keywords:board game, table game, institutional elderly, positive emotions, leisure participation