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中文摘要 過去研究顯示領導者的正向領導可增加團體凝聚力及學習滿意度,亦能提升學習成效。然而針對樂齡學習中心學習者正向領導知覺的研究仍然缺乏,因此,本研究以橫斷式研究設計,於2017年11月針對4所樂齡學習中心(雲林縣1所、嘉義縣1所、台南市2所)55歳及以上學習者進行問卷調查,探討影響「學習成效」三個構面(反應構面、學習構面及行為構面)的因子,其分析因子包括「正向領導」(營造正向氣氛、營造正向關係、運用正向溝通、賦予正向意義)的四個層面及受訪者背景變項。調查以郵寄發放共92份問卷,有效問卷72份(回收率78%)。透過多因子線性迴歸分析顯示:(1)反應構面的顯著獨立因子為營造正向氣氛(標準化迴歸係數[β]=0.41、p<0.001)、男性(β=0.25、p=0.014)、學習年資>4年(β=−0.30、p=0.025)、職業背景為自由業(β=0.41、p=0.019)及其它(β=0.39、p=0.034)共四項;(2)學習構面的顯著獨立因子為賦予正向意義一項(β=0.38、p<0.001);(3)行為構面的顯著獨立因子為營造正向氣氛(β=0.50、p=0.001)、營造正向關係(β=−0.67、p<0.001)、賦予正向意義(β=0.82、p<0.001)、職業背景為自由業(β=0.36、p=0.010)及其它(β=0.37、p=0.010)共四項。綜合而言,學習成效三個構面的顯著因子雖各有異,但皆與正向領導中至少一個層面呈顯著關係,建議未來研究可採用縱貫型研究設計進一步釐清兩者的因果關係。同時亦可探討如何能有效培養樂齡學習中心學習者的正向領導知覺,從而提升學習成效。
廖麗嬌、陳雅雯、辜美安(2019)。 正向領導知覺對參與樂齡學習者之學習成效的關係。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(1), 16-23。
Association between Perception of Positive Leadership and Learning Achievement in Senior Learners
Liao, L.-C., Chen, Y.-W., Koo, M.
English Abstract Previous research indicated that positive leadership could increase group cohesiveness and learning satisfaction. Moreover, learning achievement could also be enhanced. Nevertheless, studies on perception of positive leadership among learners in senior learning centers are still lacking. Therefore, the present cross-sectional survey was designed to investigate learners over the age of 55 years in four senior learning centers (one in Yunlin county, one in Chiayi county, two in Tainan City) regarding the factors affecting learning achievement (reactive, learning, and behavioral constructs). The independent factors included perception of positive leadership (positive climate, positive relationships, positive communication, and positive meaning) and the background characteristics of the respondents. A total of 72 valid questionnaires were received out of the 92 mailed out (response rate 78%). Results from multiple linear regression analyses indicated: (1) the reactive construct was significantly and independently associated with four factors including positive climate (standardized beta []=0.41, p<0.001), male sex (=0.25, p=0.014), had been learning for over 4 years (=−0.30, p=0.025), an occupational background of freelancer (=0.41, p=0.019) or others (=0.39, p=0.034); (2) the learning construct was significantly and independently associated with only positive meaning (=0.38, p<0.001); and (3) the behavioral construct was significantly and independently associated with four factors including positive climate (=0.50, p=0.001), positive relationship (=−0.67, p<0.001), positive meaning (=0.82, p<0.001), an occupational background of freelancer (=0.36, p=0.010) or others (=0.37, p=0.010). In summary, the significant factors associated with the three different constructs of learning achievement were different, but each of them was associated with at least one dimension of the perception of positive leadership. Future studies could explore how to enhance the perception of positive leadership among senior learners in order to increase their learning achievement.Keywords:elderly people, lifelong learning, senior education, questionnaire survey