黃琴雅 洪靖慧 吳宜靜 鍾羽絜
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中文摘要 年長者的生命旅途裡,總有最燦爛的時光,;而這些經歷隨著記憶逐漸模糊時,常會感受到生命似乎缺了一角。為了讓這些回憶能再次鮮明化,本研究以訪談方式,了解長者在生命中重要的記憶片段;蒐集其相關照片,依據懷舊治療的概念,製作個人化回憶動畫錄。研究結果顯示,透過動畫成品確實能加深回憶,同時也讓高齡者透過回憶抒發自我情感。
黃琴雅, 洪靖慧, 吳宜靜, 鍾羽絜(2013)。 躍動那年的瞬間,伴你憶生-年長者回憶動畫錄設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 71-78。
Flashy Moment, Memories for Lifelong Company-The Design of Animated Memoir for the Elderly
Huang, C.-Y., Hung, C.-H., *Wu, Y.-C., Zhong, Y.-J.
English Abstract As a population ages, aging affects both physical and mental conditions, and often impairs a person’s memory; nevertheless, every elderly person has their own brilliant moments during the journey of life. When those experiences begin to blur with a withered memory, they feel like that a part of their life has been snatched away.
To sharpen those memories again, we studied elderly individuals and became acquainted with the important memories of their lives through interviews. We also collected photos related to their memories and made personal animated memoirs by conducting interviews and rearranging notes. With follow-up interviews, we studied the differences in patient mood and patient interaction with family members can made a comparison between those who had been tested with the animations and those who had not.
According to concepts related to reminiscence therapy, this method should certainly be helpful in assisting elderly people to retain or relive their memories. This study was based on both initial and follow-up interviews. The feedback received from the elderly indicated that animations did help them deepen their impressions, let them express their emotions while recollecting, and then achieve the best effect of this study.Keywords:Seniors, Memories, Animation, Reminiscence therapy