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中文摘要 壓瘡是全球醫療機構中所重視的議題,為提升病人出院後的照護品質本研究主要目的是瞭解主要照顧者的照護需求。本研究探討壓瘡病人主要照顧者於出院前之照護需求及其相關因子,採橫斷式研究法,以結構性問卷收集資料,有效問卷共240份。收集的資料以SPSS 18.0建檔並進行分析,兼運用描述性統計、t檢定、單因子ANOVA分析資料。研究結果顯示半年內初次發生壓瘡病人占86.3%,而有九成使用減壓輔具(91.3%),以枕頭作為輔具占最多(83.7%)。主要照顧者性別以女性居多,占71.3%,有七成的主要照顧者,一天中花費17小時以上來照顧病人。壓瘡病人主要照顧者在出院前其照護需求得分最高為:想了解壓瘡是如何發生。主要照顧者為媳婿或配偶,則對於「想了解壓瘡是如何發生」有高度需求(p= .002);而媳婿或兄弟姊妹為主要照顧者,則對於「想了解預防壓瘡的敷料種類」也同樣有高度需求(p= .005)。病人初次發生壓瘡達半年以上未滿一年者,對「想了解預防壓瘡可應用的資源」,有較高的需求(p= .007)。研究顯示壓瘡照護主要照顧者仍以女性為主,與病人的關係為子女之外,其次為看護工,反映出台灣社會居家照護的現實問題。本研究結果顯示主要照顧者不僅有照顧壓瘡傷口的需求,更進一步欲避免預防壓瘡再發生的可能性。出院準備服務在醫療院所中已相當完備,能掌握主要照顧者的需求,提供適切的照護以及衛教內容,滿足病患與家屬所需,進而降低返家後照護的壓力。
曹文昱、葉麗月、陳玉如、洪弘昌、許美玉(2019)。 壓瘡病人主要照顧者居家傷口照護資訊需求探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(1), 24-33。
Home Care Needs Information of Primary Caregivers of Patients with Pressure Injury
Tsao, W.-Y., Yeh, L.-Y., Chen, Y.-J., Hung, H.-C., Hsu, M.-Y.
English Abstract Background: Understanding the home care needs of primary caregivers is conducive to improving the quality of care for patients following their discharge from hospital; Methods: This study used a cross-sectional study design. Structured questionnaires were adopted for collecting data, and 240 valid questionnaires were collected. The collected data were filed and analyzed with SPSS Version 18.0, using descriptive statistics, t tests, and one-way analysis of variance; Results: Most of the respondents were patients with first-time pressure injury that occurred within the past 6 months (86.3%). In addition, 91.3% of all respondents used offloading devices, and 83.7% of all respondents used pillows as the assistive device. Most primary caregivers were women (71.3%), and nearly 70% of them spent 17 hours per day caring for their patient. Regarding caregivers’ caring needs prior to pressure injury patients’ discharge from hospital, the score for wanting to understand how pressure injury occurs was the highest. The caregivers were sons- or daughters-in-law or the spouse of the patient. These caregivers showed a greater need to understand how pressure injury occurs (p= .002). If the caregivers were sons- or daughters-in-law or siblings of the patient, these caregivers showed a greater need to understand the types of dressings for preventing pressure injury (p= .005). Patients that had a pressure injury from more than 6 months to a year demonstrated a greater need to understand available resources for preventing pressure injury (p= .007); Conclusion: Caring for pressure injury is a health issue that extends from medical institutions to home care. Studies have shown that besides patients’ children, care workers are the primary caregivers of patients in Taiwan, indicating the gravity of Taiwan’s home care problems. Discharge preparation services at medical institutions that provide acute care have been fairly well-established, and these institutions can generally understand primary caregivers’ needs. By providing appropriate care and education, these institutions can better satisfy the needs of patients and their families, which in turn can mitigate home care pressure for caregivers, resulting in a satisfactory outcome for both parties.Keywords:pressure injury, primary caregiver, caring needs