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中文摘要 高齡者常表示寂寞,且高齡者的慢性社會隔離會明顯增加住院與醫療成本,因而近年興起利用社區與生活空間實施跨代共居。本研究透過次級資料分析法說明跨代共居的概念與實務,研究發現都會地區的青年人面對住屋短缺或房租過高的問題,參與共住計畫機構的目的是藉由提供免費或便宜住所給青年人來舒緩高房租的壓力,學生可節省打工或通學時間,專注學業;共居能讓青年人學到高齡者待人處事的智慧與經驗,高齡者則獲得情緒支持。不可否認的,相較於代際學習或是共樂,跨代共居的門檻較高,包括青年人與高齡者的接受態度與生活磨合;本研究建議推動跨代共居時,由政府或輔導民間團體扮演資訊公開、宣導與媒合平台的角色,提供都會區多元新型態的住宅供給模式,以及透過實際案例的分享,讓參與的高齡者與青年人瞭解跨代共居的優缺點,進而願意支持此一理念。
劉宜君(2019)。 高齡社會的跨代共居議題探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(2), 99-108。
The Study of Intergenerational Living Issue in the Ageing Society
Liu, I.-C.
English Abstract The “silver” population is known to affect various aspects of our society. One example is sending the elderly to live their final years in elderly homes. Such homes, now an antiquated idea, only increases the burden on the government and the public. The new generation of elderly people is that which boosted economic growth and created economic miracles after the Second World War. The elderlies from the baby-boomer generation have subverted the long-standing image of old people. It has a barrier-free activity space for the elderly on the first floor and an early treatment room for preschoolers on the second floor. The center also cooperates with nearby primary schools to organize “intergenerational co-learning” every week. Considering foreign countries, an innovative plan of intergenerational co-living has been launched by a Dutch elderly home. University students can live in the elderly home every month for free as long as they accompany the elderly people. This system aims to achieve intergenerational integration and alleviate housing problem of young people. Another example is an artist-in-residence program initiated by a retirement organization in Cleveland, USA. Students from music schools are allowed to move into a residential building, which was formerly a hotel, for free as “artists.” They regularly organize solo recitals, weekend concerts, and even art therapy courses for the elderly. The current study has discussed the above concepts and practices with the characteristics of intergenerational integration to provide alternative thinking on age-friendliness.Keywords:aged society, intergenerational integration, intergenerational living