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中文摘要 人口老化伴隨許多高齡照護的問題,許多年長者因腦部退化而在生活上面臨諸多不便,嚴重者還可能罹患失智症。欲延緩腦部老化,可透過訓練使大腦活化,但現有之腦部訓練多屬醫療院所之職能治療範疇,需專人指導且較為枯燥,不僅得付出大量成本,其訓練成效也不易得知。本研究開發之系統以銀髮族之專注力訓練為主軸,年老長者可透過專注力檢測,得知自身專注力情形並加以訓練,同時輔以虛擬實境所建構之環境,達到沉浸訓練之效果,讓年長者能夠在身心愉悅的狀態下進行專注力訓練,以達活化大腦、延緩腦部退化之目標。根據實驗測試,本研究所開發之虛擬實境專注力訓練遊戲,在執行控制方面有訓練成效,且有較好的維持效果。
陳萌智、龔祥賀(2019)。 虛擬實境遊戲提升銀髮族專注力。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(2), 150-166。
Virtual Reality Games to Enhance the Concentration Level of Elderly Persons
Chen, M.-C., Kung, H.-H.
English Abstract Aging population is accompanied by many problems in elderly care. Many elderly people have no physical problems but face many inconveniences in their lives due to the degeneration of the brain, or more severely, dementia. To delay its aging, the brain can be activated through training. However, current brain training is mostly only available in medical institutions. Special guidance is required in a clinical setting, costs are high, and training results are not easily accessible. The system developed in this research is focused on the senior citizens. The elderly can learn more about their concentration levels and train themselves through concentration testing. The training is complemented by an environment constructed using virtual reality to achieve the effect of immersion training. Overall, the system allows them to concentrate on their physical and mental well-being, while achieving the goal of activating the brain and delaying brain degradation. According to experimental results, the virtual reality concentration training game developed by the research institute is effective in increasing execution control and has good maintenance effect.Keywords:silver hair, focus training, virtual reality, dementia