梁榮進 梁子瑋
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中文摘要 繁忙的社會子女們由於工作忙碌,對於高齡父母的就醫情況難以掌握。高齡族群進行就醫問診,因機能退化,經常不能正確記憶醫護人員所交代的事項,回家後子女也無法透過詢問,了解高齡父母親的就醫情況,而容易產生醫療上的誤解。本文針對此問題,提出高齡者在問診時,可輔助記錄的器具-問診記錄器,來協助解決問診期間醫護人員所吩咐的事項,以及協助高齡者子女可以充分了解父母親的就醫情況。本研究首先採用觀察法,蒐集高齡者問診過程的情境,作成記錄後擬定出問題點,作為設計欲解決的問題,配合高齡者問診過程的情境分析,提出產品設計的結構因子,並採用635法設計出一件符合高齡者使用的問診輔助記錄器,協助高齡者可以進行安全醫護與反思。
梁榮進, 梁子瑋(2013)。 高齡者問診記錄器創新設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 87-98。
An Innovative Design of Medical Treatment Recorder for Older Adults
Liang, J.-C., Liang, Z.-W.
English Abstract In today’s society, the children of elders are difficult to understand parents’ medical condition because of bustling work. The elder can’t remember much accountable matter during medical treatment. Therefore, their children also can’t acquire a comprehensive understanding of the real situation for elder’s parents through inquiry and result in many medical misconceptions. This paper tries to design a medical auxiliary product for elders based on this phenomenon. Firstly, this study use observation method gathering elderly information during a medical treatment and find the key problem, then go deep investigation of focusing problem through preprocessing, understanding and analysis. Finally, this research use methodology of 635 to design a medical treatment recorder for elder.Keywords:Elderly person, Observation method, 635 procedure, Medical treatment recorder