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中文摘要 台灣地區三十五歲以上的成人,每年約有三萬人會發生第一次中風,導致死亡或殘障。因中風者以老人居多,本研究以高齡教學123設計並實施教學活動。本研究共有26位參與者,其中女性(69.3%)高於男性(30.8%)。在年齡方面,參與者年齡以85歲以上(42.3%)為最多數,可見參與小中風警覺課程的參與者年齡偏高。在教育程度上,參與者大多為不識字(65.4%),教學者在教學上必須花費更多的心力,才能幫助高齡者學習小中風的警覺知識。本研究最主要的目的,是要瞭解高齡者在參與防治腦中風教學活動後,其對於小中風警覺性知識能力有無明顯提升。結果發現,參與者在參與教學活動後,對於小中風警覺性的平均數有大幅的提升,平均分數從前測結果59.23分,至後測時平均分數已達到113.08分,且達到非常顯著水準(p<.001)。由此可見,藉由123教學活動的介入,可以提升高齡者對於小中風警覺性的知識。參與者整體答題正確率從37.8%提升到93.6%,顯示參與者在學習後,對於小中風警覺性與知識有所提升。
呂映瑾、李雅慧(2019)。 以「高齡教學123」進行防治腦中風教學成效之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(3), 189-203。
Effectiveness of prevention and treatment of stroke: Intervention of 123 instructional design model
Lu, Y.-C., Lee, Y.-H
English Abstract About 30,000 of adults over the age of 35 in Taiwan have their first stroke each year, leading to death or disability. In view of the fact that stroke patients are mostly elderly, this study designed and implemented teaching activities using the 123 instructional design model. There were 26 participants in the study, with more women (69.2%) than men (30.8%). In terms of age, 42.3% of the participants were over 85 years old, showing that most participants in the Stroke Awareness Program were older. As for education level, most of the participants were illiterate (65.4%), and educators must make more effort in teaching the elderly to become more aware of minor strokes. The main purpose of this study is to understand whether the elderly have a significant improvement in the awareness of minor-stroke alertness after participating in the prevention and treatment of stroke. The results showed that after participating in the teaching activities, the average score of alertness for minor strokes was greatly improved. The average score was 59.23 points from the previous test, and the average score after the test reached 113.08 points, a very significant level improvement (p<.001). The main purpose of this study is to understand the difference between the alertness of the elderly to minor strokes after participating in courses on stroke prevention and treatment of stroke. The results of the study showed that the awareness rate of participants increased from 37.8% to 93.6%, indicating that they had improved alertness and knowledge of minor strokes after learning. Moreover, 93.6% of participants knew and had the ability to judge the symptoms of minor strokes. After the participants’ learning, the alertness and knowledge about minor strokes were improved, and further analysis was carried out. The error rate of the participants after the test was reduced from 62.2% to 6.4%. This indicates that the participants' awareness and alertness of minor strokes improved after the study.Keywords:stroke, preventive medicine, teaching strategies, teaching-123