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中文摘要 本文旨在研發一款免電力的輔助省力起身的結構,屬於機械式升降輔具,能支撐人體坐下和起身的動作,成為高齡族、關節退化或肢體障礙者的良好輔具。座體結構包括採用氣壓棒為推力的椅座、可調磅數的卡榫與泡棉椅面,結合快拆式的椅背與扶手(座墊款),並可搭配助行器(座椅款)或輪椅等,便利於各情境中使用。藉此座體結構,當使用者坐下過程造成氣壓棒壓縮,具有緩和下降的效果。當使用者往前起身時,氣壓棒釋放動力向上抬昇,讓使用者輕鬆省力地起身。椅座的氣壓棒推力利用卡槽支撐位置而可多段調整,兩款氣壓棒的推力自43公斤到150公斤重,該結構可減輕人體膝窩起身10~13度角左右的負擔。經由高齡族實地測試,發現起身的時間較一般座椅節省19.1%至21.2%,感受有效助力的比例達到92.9%。本產品可適用於椅面、輪椅或床面等,無須重複購買,便利攜帶且經濟,具有廣大市場潛力。
黃義良(2019)。 可調式起身助力座椅的研發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(3), 280-293。
Development of Mechanical Assistive Device to Support Sitting Down and Getting Up
Huang, Y. -L
English Abstract This study focuses on the structural development of a mechanical assistive device that reduces the force required for one to get up from a seat. The device is able to support the sitting down and getting up motion and hence is an excellent assistive device for the elderly or people with joint degeneration or physical disability. The product consists of a seat that has pneumatic cylinders to exert a pushing force, a latch that can adjust the weight, a foam seat cushion, as well as a removable backrest and padded armrests. It can be used with mobility aids with seats or wheelchairs in various situations. With this structure, the force that the user exerts when sitting down will compress the pneumatic cylinders, slowing down the sitting process. When the user attempts to get up, the cylinders are no longer in compression and will exert an upward force, making it easier for the user to stand up. By adjusting the position of the latch, the pneumatic cylinders can exert a different amount of force. The force that the two types of pneumatic cylinders can exert varies from 43 to 150kg. This structure reduces the bending of the knee when attempting to stand up by about 10 degrees. Through actual testing with the elderly, it was found that the time required for the elderly to get up reduced by 19.1–21.2% as compared to normal chairs. In addition, up to 92.9% of the elderly could feel the assistance the chair provided. This product can be used with chairs, wheelchairs as well as beds to reduce the force required to sit down or get up. The portable and economical device has large market potential.Keywords:get up, rise and recline chair, assistive technology, pneumatic cylinders