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中文摘要 本研究旨在研發創新輔具~防止噴濺尿液的馬桶防護與感應告知裝置,主要用於男童、年長男性與身心障礙者站立於坐式馬桶前小便使用。本輔具包含兩大部份:(1)連結於馬桶蓋的防止尿液噴濺的透明幕簾,具有防止溢出噴濺功能;(2)感應尿濕的地墊及警示 IC 裝置,具備噴濺後的通知、提醒與回饋功能。依據 7 位幼童與特殊學生的實地測試,發現防護幕簾有效防護尿液噴濺比例達48%,警示尿濕地墊約 86%的發報準確性。本輔具已經申請專利,此一創意產品將與廠商合作量產,開創生活用品的偌大市場。
黃義良(2020)。 防止噴濺尿液的馬桶防護與感應裝置的研發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(4), 323-335。
The development of a detection device that prevents urine from splashing
Huang, Y.-L.
English Abstract This research focuses on developing a new assistive device that employs sensing and feedback to prevent urine from splashing. This device is mainly designed for boys or disabled people who urinate while standing in front of a sitting toilet. The device consists of two major components. Firstly, a transparent screen connected to the toilet cover prevents urine from splashing. Secondly, an IC alarm device that detects the urine distribution and alerts the user serves to notify, remind and provide feedback to the user about splashing. Based on on-site testing with seven children and students with special needs, the protective screen can effectively prevent urine from splashing up to 48%; the urine distribution alarm has an accuracy rate of up to 86%. The application to patent this device has already been filed, and this creative product will be mass produced in collaboration with manufacturers.Keywords:potty training, toilet, urine splashing, urine detection, assistive device