李政道 黃世賢 劉旻哲 盧政宇 莊靖煒 李翌誠
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中文摘要 全球人類的平均年齡逐年增加,以及生育率的下降,使得許多國家已面臨人口老化的問題。台灣也因此導致醫療成本提高和高齡者照護缺乏。為了解決此類問題,本研究利用「磁性壓力開關」原理,設計可用於偵測使用者是否離開休憩的軟性載具或限制範圍;若離開時,將利用嵌入式系統判斷狀況,進而利用近端告警裝置與遠端行動裝置警示,使看護者可以即時得知狀況,降低人為疏失所照成的傷害,也能減少浪費人力資源的問題。此模組也加裝溫濕度感測器,並利用嵌入式系統來判斷是否該啟動相對應的設備。
李政道, 黃世賢, 劉旻哲, 盧政宇, 莊靖煒, 李翌誠(2013)。 高枕無憂,坐立安適-可使用於軟式坐墊/床墊之雲端即時監控裝置設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(3), 79-86。
Cloud real-time monitor and control system design for soft carrier
Lee, J.-D., Huang, S.-X., Liu, M.-Z., Lu, Z.-Y., Zhuang, J.-W., Li, Y.-C. Cheng
English Abstract The aging of society is progressing despite increased access to medical resources and in part because of decreasing fertility rates in recent years. Most young people have jobs and other duties which keep them busy most of the time and they feel they cannot provide effective care of elderly family members, yet the elderly are often no longer able to live completely independently. For this reason, a novel care system has been developed for use in home medical care. This design can help caregivers by alerting them when a patient leaves a chair’s seat cushion without help; the novel “pressure controlled switch” will sound an alarm to alert the caregivers immediately. The type of alarm can be chosen based on the needs of the user, e.g. a local alarm device or a device which alerts another mobile device such as a cell phone. Also, the device can include temperature and humidity sensors which are used for environmental control to help the user keep and remain comfortable. This novel care system can be extended to other kinds of caregivers.Keywords:Aging society, Real-time monitor and control, Care, Embedded system.