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中文摘要 教育部於2006年頒布了《邁向高齡社會老人教育政策白皮書》,為了達到在地老化的目標,提供高齡者終身學習場域,教育部遂於2008年開始於全國各地廣設樂齡學習中心,至2019年已成立366所。本研究旨在從參與者觀點分析樂齡學習中心的執行成效,以全國樂齡學習中心的參與者為研究對象,以「樂齡學習中心執行成效問卷:參與者觀點」作為研究工具,進行量化分析,共發出4500份問卷,回收4095份,其中有效問卷數為2567份,有效回收率為57.0%。研究結果顯示:(1)樂齡學習中心學員的滿意度達中上;(2)影響滿意度的關鍵因素為健康狀況、經濟狀況、出席狀況、參與者類型;(3)樂齡學習中心學員的收穫達中上;(4)影響收穫的關鍵因素為健康狀況、經濟狀況、出席狀況、參與者類型。
林麗惠、張語倩(2020)。 臺灣樂齡學習中心執行成效之研究:參與者觀點。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(4), 363-378。
The Study of Implementation Effectiveness of Senior Learning Centers in Taiwan from the Perspectives of Participants
Lin, L. H., Chang, Y. C.
English Abstract In 2006, the Ministry of Education (MOE) came out with the White Paper, “Towards an Aged Society: Policies on Education for Older Adults”, and has been subsidizing the local governments since 2008 in conjunction with local organizations to organize Senior Learning Centers (SLC) in villages and towns across the country. By 2019, 366 SLCs have been established to meet the needs of the aging and to provide places of learning for older adults. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementation of SLCs in Taiwan from the perspective of participants. Surveys were conducted using a questionnaire among the participants at SLCs of Taiwan. Of the 4,500 questionnaires distributed, 2,567 valid ones were returned, at a valid return rate of 57.0%. Statistical analysis suggests four conclusions: First, the participants were satisfied up to a middle level. Second, the key determinants for satisfaction were health status, economic status, attendance status, and type of participants. Third, the learning gain of the participants was up to the middle level. Fourth, the key factors affecting learning gains were health status, economic status, attendance status, and type of participants.Keywords:Senior Learning Centers (SLC), implementation effectiveness, satisfaction, learning gains