謝鏵翧、俞希雯、 陳嬿竹、游雅婷、林子芹、蔡碧藍
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中文摘要 管灌飲食主要用於提供吞嚥困難、急症或長期臥病患者的腸道內營養支持方式,也是臨床照護上最廣泛使用的醫療處置。但使用目前常見鼻胃管灌食器具,灌食過程中病患常有嘔吐、脹氣等腸胃不適及耗費照護人力與時間等困擾,故本研究設計「益優奶-四合一灌食器」創新產品,有定速、定量、定時慢流滴注,可引流多餘空氣及食糜,與視情況同時或連續給予牛奶、水、藥物等功能,也採用可紫外線消毒材質,具拆解及重複使用等環保特性,期許未來產品能通過人體試驗測試並與廠商合作,大量生產,相信必能減輕照護人員負擔,改善病患腸胃不適的效果,提升整體管灌的照護品質之成效。
謝鏵翧、俞希雯、 陳嬿竹、游雅婷、林子芹、蔡碧藍(2020)。 「益優奶-四合一灌食器」之開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(4), 336-346。
Innovative design: "Yiyou Milk Feeding instrument- Four in One Device"
Hsieh, H.-H., Yu, H.-W., Chen, Y.- C., Yu, Y.-T., Lin,T.-C, Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Tube irrigation diet, which is mainly used to assist patients with dysphagia, hospitalization or long-term illness, provides nutritional support in the intestine. It is also the most widely used medical treatment in clinical care. When common nasogastric feeding instruments are employed, patients often have vomiting and flatulence during the feeding process. In order to improve the feeding process, a novel instrument with four functions was designed to improve the existing feeding process. The instrument is called "Yiyou Milk Feeding Instrument-Four in One Device", which is an innovative product with fixed speed, proper quantity, regular time, and low rate of feeding. In addition, it is convenient to control the flow rate without any air in this instrument. This device is suitable to provide milk, water, drugs and other necessary materials all at the same time to patients. Some of the useful features of this newly developed device are ultraviolet disinfection, detachability and re-use. It is expected to pass human test and manufacturers’ evaluations for production in near future. The application of this instrument is expected to reduce the burden of caregivers and improve the care for patients. Consequently, through this instrument, the whole tube irrigation can be changed and improve the quality of patient care.Keywords:nasogastric tube feeding, feeding utensils, enteral nutrition support