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中文摘要 根據布袋戲在傳統台灣扮演著串起宗教信仰、天地人神關係、經濟發展與文化價值傳承的角色,透過布袋戲回憶當時的時空背景、宗教信念、童年時光與經濟生活,這些對高齡者而言不單是共同回憶,而且是珍貴的過去時光,藉由掌中偶帶動訴說故事、隱喻生命意義,盼此懷舊活動有助於協助高齡者重整生命經驗及達到生命統合。本次於嘉義縣某社區進行活動,共有10次活動(每週一次、每次2小時),並於活動導入後進行參與者的個別訪談,研究目的有:了解布袋戲導入懷舊方案對社區高齡者的成效。研究結果顯示高齡者在布袋戲導入懷舊方案後,涵蓋三個結果「童年回憶」、「祈求平安」、「生命的回饋與收穫」。本研究結果可提供給長期照護者或社區工作者以布袋戲作為導入懷舊方案之實務參考。
關鍵字:布袋戲, 懷舊方案, 社區高齡者
林家惠、徐苙耘、王姿懿(2020)。 掌握人生—社區高齡者布袋戲懷舊方案成效之初探。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 7(4), 310-322。
The Effectiveness of a Reminiscence Program using Hand Puppetry on a Community of Older Adults: A Preliminary Study
Lin C.-H., Shiu L-Y., Wang T-I
English Abstract In Taiwan, hand puppetry is tightly connected to religious belief, the relationship between man and god, economic development, and the value of cultural heritage. When people reminisce through hand puppetry, what they recall is not only the story content but is also related to their temporal and spatial background, religious feelings, their childhood experiences, and the economic aspects of their lives. For older adults, those are not only shared memories but also represent a precious past time. By using hand puppets to trigger older adults to tell their life stories and to have them comment on the meaning of life, this study used reminiscence therapy to assist older adults in reevaluating the meaning of their lives in an attempt to help older adults to achieve a more coherent life. This study was conducted in a community in Chiayi County, Taiwan. After the intervention involving a reminiscence program that employed hand puppetry, individual interviews were conducted with participants of the experimental group to review the effectiveness of the program. A total of ten group activity interventions were held once a week with each meeting lasting for two hours. The results demonstrated the effects of a reminiscence program using hand puppetry which was introduced to older adults. The participants identified their childhood memories, prayers for safety, and gave feedback and described rewards experienced during their lives that they related to the meaning of their lives. The results of this study may serve as a practical reference for long-term caregivers or community workers using a reminiscence program to introduce activities and topics.Keywords:hand puppetry, reminiscence, community, older adults