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中文摘要 銀髮照顧事業已經不再是單純提供住宿和飲食等基本生活需求,大家已漸漸重視心靈層面的滿足,所以如何提供休閒、交誼等服務,來滿足長者的需求,是未來銀髮族服務產業發展的趨勢。本研究透過銀髮智慧生活便利站之研發,結合適合銀髮族使用的軟、硬體設計,它可以長時間提供老人視訊通話、聽網路收音機、玩遊戲、生理資訊量測、用藥提醒、社群關懷、終身學習等功能,並以服務連結器為使用者之介面。本文說明結合業界研發之銀髮族生活便利站及服務連結器之功能,並以在新北市三芝區雙連安養中心進行安裝、測試、教育訓練,並進行使用者行為觀察之結果進行探討。
簡鴻儒(2014)。 銀髮族服務聯結器建置與使用者行為調查。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 3-16。
Developing a Service Connection Device (SCD) for the elderly in Taiwan
H-J. Chien
English Abstract (Note: This abstract was first published in the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology.)
Purpose: The increase in life expectancy and ongoing growth of the aging population have led to new models of aging that empower older people to fulfill their desire for a high quality of later life. According to a survey conducted by the Council for Economic Planning and Development of Taiwan, the population of adults aged 65 years or above will increase from 11.2% in 2012 to 20% in 2025. Unfortunately, the total number of older people living alone has risen. Cannuscio et al. (2003) indicated that approximately one in three non-institutionalized older people now lives alone. Wild et al. (2008) further warned that for older people living alone, methods must be in place to detect cognitive and physical decline that put these people at risk. State-of-the-art technologies, such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or Assistive Technology (AT), have been proposed as possible resources that may improve the quality of life of older people. ICT or AT can also play a vital role in supporting the ways in which millions of older people can maintain or regain their independence. Method: The Service Connection Device (SCD) provides all the features needed by the elderly to maintain their independence and improve their mental health. This device also has the potential to provide health information, opportunities for life-long learning, options for entertainment, resources for managing health care, and connection to support networks outside a person's place of residence. These features include video telephone, digital album, e-bulletin board, internet radio, health TV, Tele-care and Tele-health, etc. Results & Discussion: The Shuang-Lien Care Center provided 176 SCDs to its elderly residents in June 2012. There has been much positive feedback from users. One 90-year-old user commented that "It is a wonderful tool that I have been used. Simple to implement in stages, meet our needs i.e. we do not have to adapt to use them, understand what we do and listen to us before proposing a system is suitable."Keywords:information and communication technology, assistive technology, service connection device