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中文摘要 隨著社會進步,經濟發展及醫療的提升,人類平均壽命不斷延長,開發延緩認知功能退化產品,變成十分重要。桌遊具有促進大腦血流,訓練專注力與思考能力,減緩失智或記憶衰退等功效。本組透過分析市售促進認知相關的產品,及實際參與帶領桌遊訓練活動後,研發以「大富翁遊戲方式」為基礎之「銀髮智無窮」產品,希望藉由多元認知刺激遊戲,加入團體動力概念的設計,達到減緩長者認知功能退化及增進社交互動效果,亦作為評估及訓練高齡者認知功能,及長照機構或社區活動帶領者之參考工具。唯因時間、經費限制,目前僅完成桌遊初步成品及個別測試,無法大量及長期追蹤認知功能訓練成效,期許未來與廠商配合大量生產,相信必能促進高齡長者認知功能及延緩認知退化。
蔡淑文、詹馥蓮、謝佳蓉、胡孟芳、林婉棋、蔡碧藍(2020)。 「銀髮智無窮」桌遊產品設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(2), 177-192。
Board Game Product Design: “Infinite Intelligence of Seniors”
Tsai, S.-W., Chan, F.-L., Hsieh, C.-J., Hu, M.-F., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract With society’s progress, economic development, and medical advances, the lifespan of human beings has continued to increase. This has led to the development of innovative products to delay cognitive function degradation. Board games can promote cerebral blood flow, improve concentration and thinking ability, and reduce the loss of intelligence or memory decline. After analyzing products related to cognitive enhancement in the market, and subsequent participation in leading training activities related to board games, the members of this research group developed an innovative board game entitled “Infinite Intelligence of Seniors” based on the Monopoly Game Method. It is hoped that this progressive and diverse cognition-stimulating game, together with the conceptual design of group motivation, can reduce cognitive function degeneration in the older adults and enhance their social interaction. It can serve as a reference tool for leaders of long-term care institutions or community activities, and also for assessing and training cognitive functions. However, owing to time and financial constraints, only the preliminary finished product and individual tests of the board game have been completed so far. It is impossible to track the effects of cognitive function in a large sample size over an extended period of time. We hope to cooperate with manufacturers for mass production of this board game in the future. We believe that the cognitive function of the older adults will certainly be promoted and the occurrence of cognitive function decline, and impairment will be slowed.Keywords:older adults, cognitive function, board game