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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討護理之家住民參與以魔術為媒介之團體方案,對認知及生活品質影響之相關性。本研究採類實驗性研究,以魔術為媒介之團體方案以老人團體活動中認知類型態為設計主軸,魔術教學為媒介,安排前七週進行不同主題學習內容,活動期間為2019年9月5日至11月7日,研究對象為新竹縣某護理之家經評估有意願之男性住民為成員,共12位,依據簡易心智量表(MMSE)、台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷(WHOQOL-BREF)進行前測、後測,量化研究資料以SPSS無母數統計Wilcoxon符號等級檢定分析,及質性團體活動觀察記錄,研究結果顯示:(1)簡易心智量表施測結果,8位認知功能維持,占67%,3位認知功能由輕度認知功能障礙變為認知功能完整,占25%,1位輕度認知功能障礙變為中度認知功能障礙,占8%;(2)台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷量化施測結果,整體範疇、生理範疇、心理範疇、社會關係、環境範疇,後測平均數皆高於前測,整體範疇顯著性(p value)為0.02小於0.05、環境範疇顯著性0.04小於0.05,達顯著差異;(3)質性團體觀察記錄顯示,方案介入使住民身體活動量及社交人際互動增加,增進認知功能並增加內在滿足感。本研究顯示魔術團體活動於機構住民有其實際成效,可提升認知功能及生活品質。研究結果可提供從事長期照顧相關專業人員及其他相關專業人員,於規劃團體或課程活動時參考,以協助機構高齡族群獲得更適切的照護。
張雪雯、余惠娟、陳宛昀(2020)。 長照機構住民參與以魔術為媒介之團體方案成效探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(3), 250-261。
Effectiveness of the Magic Group Program for Older Residents of Long-Term Care Institutions
Chang, H.-W ., Yu, H.-C ., Chen, W.-Y.
English Abstract This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of what is known as magic therapy or a Magic Group Program for the older residents of Long-Term Care Institutions. This study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control study design; 12 older people were recruited as a convenient sample size to carry out experiment. These participants first completed a mini-mental state examination (MMSE) known as the World Health Organization Quality of Life exam (WHOQOL-BREF), Taiwan Version. The resulting data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank to examine effects. The results showed the effects of Magic Group Program was able for improve the quality of life and enhance the cognitive function of the participants. The results contribute to existing studies on healthy aging, and supply researchers with data that can be used to design curricula and programs.Keywords:Long-Term care, Magic Group Program, quality of life, cognitive function