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中文摘要 本研究將利用曼徹斯特足部疼痛與功能障礙量表(MFPDI),進行翻譯及信度與效度分析。將提供一個有效的高齡者足部功能障礙的評估工具,作為長照機構照護高齡者照顧計畫的參考。方法:本研究運用世界衛生組織之文件翻譯與本土化程序進行翻譯,其過程完成專家效度與內部一致性之信度。MFPDI繁體中文版完成並收集中部社區型及住宿型長照機構高齡者足部功能,再次檢視內部一致性,並進行複本信度、效標效度及建構效度分析。最後,探討不同長照機構使用者足部功能障礙差異。結果:繁體中文版MFPDI具良好的信度與效度,整體量表與次量表足部功能、個人感受及疼痛、影響工作/休閒生活Cronbach α分別為0.973、0.961、0.928與0.977。本研究發現足部功能障礙盛行率為61.6%;社區型與住宿型有足部功能障礙分別占51.7%與84.2%。結論:本研究發展繁體中文版MFPDI,應可提供研究及臨床照顧評估參考。研究結果顯示未來應發展高齡者足部照顧準則,提供第一線照顧者照顧指引,以妥善照顧失能高齡者及延緩足部退化。
劉志蕙、楊維宏、葉玲玲(2020)。 曼徹斯特足部疼痛與功能障礙量表繁體中文版信度與效度研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(3), 235-249。
Reliability and Validity of the Traditional Chinese Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index
Liu, C.-H., Yang, W.-H., Yeh, L.-L.
English Abstract In this study, the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index (MFPDI) was translated, and the resulting translation was analyzed for reliability and validity. It was hoped that the MFPDI could be an effective instrument to evaluation the older adults with foot disability, which will become a reference for older adults care plans for people with disabling conditions. The methods of this study employed the Process of Translation and Adaptation of Instruments developed by World Health Organization to translate MFPDI and conducted expert validity and internal reliability during the process. Upon the completion of the traditional Chinese version of the MFPDI, this study recruited subjects over 65 years old from living communities and residential institutions in order to re-examine internal reliability and conduct alternative reliability, criterion validity, and construction validity. Finally, this study explored the difference in levels of foot disability between the older adults subjects in living communities and residential institutions. The results showed that the traditional Chinese MFPDI fulfilled the requirements for good reliability and validity. The Cronbach α of internal reliability on full scale and subscales (function, pain intensity, and appearance) were 0.973, 0.961, 0.928 and 0.977 respectively. The prevalence of foot disability for the older adults overall is 61.6%, but 51.7% and 84.2% in the living communities and residential institutions respectively. In conclusion, this study developed the traditional Chinese MPFDI and also offered researchers and clinical workers as an evaluation instrument for such translations. The results implied that we ought to develop guidelines of foot health for the older adults, which could in turn become a guide for primary care workers in order to provide care and delay deterioration.Keywords:foot disability, the older adults, reliability, validity