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中文摘要 台灣已步入高齡社會,在人口快速老化與少子化雙重浪潮來襲下,如何運用物聯網技術來提升長者們的生活品質,發展以社區和居家為主的健康照顧產業是非常重要的研究議題之一。本研究以Python為核心,使用物聯網技術來打造內容管理系統、居家助理以及智慧感知器,針對社區和居家的樂齡生活建構一套智慧伴老物聯網服務中心。本研究運用以Python為主的Home Assistant和Django框架等開源套件以及MicroPython技術,更利用MQTT (Message Queueing Telemetry Transport)物聯網通訊協定的訂閱以及發佈功能來整合智慧感知器、居家助理以及內容管理系統,實作一套智慧伴老物聯網服務中心的雛型。
林正敏、陳羿吉(2020)。 智慧伴老物聯網服務中心開發與設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(3), 262-273。
Development and Design of a Smart Living Service Center for the Older Adults using the Internet of Things
Lin, C.-M., Chen, Y.-C.
English Abstract Taiwan has entered the phase of an ageing society. Using the Internet of Things (IoTs) technology is an important part of improving the quality of life for the older adults and developing a community and home-based health care industry to serve the rapid change of an aging population and declining birthrate nationally. This study used Python as the core with IoTs technology to connect a Content Management System (CMS), home assistant, and smart sensor to build a smart care service platform for the older adults in their community and homes. The purpose of this study was to use Python-based open source suites such as HomeAssistant and the Django framework, with MicroPython technology to develop home assistants, CMS, and smart sensors. In this study, the Message Queueing Telemetry Transport of IoT communication protocols was used to design related topics for the older adults care. The capabilities of subscription and publishing were used to integrate smart sensors, home assistants, and the CMS in order to implement the prototype of an IoT-based smart care service center for older adults.Keywords:the aged society, Internet of Things, content management system, home assistant, smart living technology