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中文摘要 退化性膝關節炎是中老年族群常見的疾病,好發率位居全身退化性關節炎第二位,為了得到更精準的診斷,大都進行常規X光攝影檢查。然而,隨著病患年齡越大,除了行動變遲緩外,也常伴隨著聽力受損或溝通能力下降,導致病患執行X光攝影時擺位的困難度,因此,本研究目的在研發簡易輔具以解決高齡病患最常遇到的「膝部」攝影擺位困境,提升X光攝影效率。本研究收集40位臨床疑似罹患膝關節退化之患者,分成控制組與實驗組,控制組為原本站立式攝影方式,實驗組則使用輔具設備輔助檢查,比較兩種攝影法在受檢時間的差異與對輔具使用滿意度分析。並採用成對樣本t檢定分析其差異性,研究結果顯示,實驗組檢查時間比控制組平均值快了86秒,顯示輔具使用可有效縮減對高齡患者的溝通時間,且實驗組與控制組的檢查時間差異具有顯著水準(p=0.000***< 0.05),在輔具使用滿意度方面,構面平均數為4.54,整體而言,受試者對於輔具的使用滿意度是抱持「滿意」以上的認同態度,本輔具可提供各醫院提升退化性關節炎X光攝影效率的參考。
吳宛霖、葉偉成、夏邦凱、林清壽(2020)。 提升膝關節退化病患X光攝影效率之輔具設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(3), 274-285。
Design of Assistive Device to Improve the Efficiency of X-ray Images for Patients with Knee Joint Deterioration
Wu, W.-L., Yen, W.-C., Hsia, P.-K., Lin C.-S.
English Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease in middle-aged and elderly populations, and it is the most prevalent type of arthritis. To get a more precise diagnosis, one is recommended an X-ray examination for further inspection. However, difficulties in X-ray positioning occur when elderly patients and patients with severe symptoms, and usually a substantial amount of these cases are disabled elderly patients, have hearing loss and lack communication skills. These circumstances make adequate X-ray positioning difficult and they might affect the results of the X-ray imaging. This research aims at solving the most common issue with knee X-ray positioning and improving the quality of X-ray images. For the purpose of this research, a sample of 40 patients with clinically suspected osteoarthritis was divided into two groups and examined. In the control group the original standing positing method was applied, and the experimental group used the aiding equipment for improved X-ray imaging. Applying the independent samples t-test, the analysis results showed that the total time of the experimental group, which used the aid, was 86 seconds faster than the control group average. Therefore, the use of equipment can effectively reduce the communication time with elderly patients and the difference in the time between the experimental and the control group is statistically significant (p=0.000***<0.05). In terms of satisfaction with the use of aids, the average number is 4.54. Overall, the subjects showed an above-average satisfaction rate regarding the use of the aids, the abovementioned conclusions can be used as a reference for improving the efficiency of examinations in various hospitals.Keywords:osteoarthritis, knee joint X-ray, difficulties in positioning