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中文摘要 關節退化乃高齡族群常見不適的症狀之一,落實良好的運動習慣,藉以提升運動參與的實質成效,實有其必要性。肌少症為高齡長者常見之骨骼肌肉問題,以台灣本土的研究顯示,65歲以上的長者肌少症盛行率約為3.9%至7.3%,男性高於女性。「肌少症」主要表現為肌力衰退、活動能力降低,甚至平衡障礙進而跌倒等問題。除此之外,許多長者因疾病之故導致活動能力降低,進而衍生併發症,透過肢體關節運動的介入,除可提升自身感受功能外,亦可降低其僵硬及緊繃感,進而預防身體機能衰退。據此,本研究在於探討健康形塑課程對於肌肉強度與關節活動度的影響。研究受測者納入標準以65歲(含)以上36名台南市南區C據點的長者為研究對象,進行為期3個月,每週2次,每次30分鐘的訓練課程,有效問卷33份,男性24份,女性9份,經由描述性統計與魏克生符號等級檢定等方式進行資料分析。結果顯示,健康形塑訓練課程對於長者在上肢與下肢肌力關節活動度皆達顯著水準(p < .05)。本研究認為除加強初級預防之概念宣導外,鼓勵長者培養運動習慣亦有助於提升其肌力功能,改善身體機能並預防跌倒的風險。
陳貞君、黃大哲(2020)。 健康形塑課程提升長者肌力及關節活動度之探究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 286-298。
Aging and Disability Prevention Programs
Chen-Chun Chen, *Ta-Che Huang
English Abstract For most advanced countries, an aging society has been a national issue. According to new figures, Taiwan is set to become a super-aged society by 2026. In view of this, health promotion and disability prevention are an emerging topic in health care. To satisfy the enormous need for long-term care and mitigate the burden of family caregivers, the government launched the 10-year long-term care 2.0 plan. It includes programs to prevent or delay disability. The purpose of this study is to measure the relationship of community care center courses and slowing disability. This study aimed to clarify factors associated with health promotion programs and muscle performance for elderly living in communities. An important part of the assessment for seniors includes gait and balance evaluation and falls risk assessment. This study uses a quantitative research with quasi experimental research design. A total of 33 individuals (24 men and 9 women) participated as subjects. Subjects were enrolled in a 12-week recurrent prevention program, which included strength training, balance training, muscle strength, balance and fall prevention. The information was collected using SPSS software. The data were entered utilizing two instruments: (1) Demo graphical questionnaires; (2) Survey questions. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Wilcoxon Singed-Ranks Test mixed design and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. Results showed a significant difference between prevention programs with regards to muscle performance and range of joint motion. This study shows that the prevention program described effectively improves muscle strength.Keywords:aging and disability prevention programs, range of joint motion, muscle performance