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中文摘要 本研究旨在研發快速可調整的移位帶,能兼顧照護者與受照護者健康與安全。墊體兩側具有兩條大型安全快扣帶,邊角採用泡綿雙把手設計,透過肩背施力,具有雙向安全防護功能。且能於1至4位照護者間快速靈活轉換,簡單實用且舒適省力,提升照護工作品質;不用重複購置,經濟便利。而進階版,延伸的墊體以魔鬼氈接合於主墊體背面,必要時拉出,墊體即可增長60公分,提供高大受照護者的頭頸舒適與安全,具有高度應用性。複合性功能,特別適用於居家和小型機構之照護者使用。經過實際測試,足可負荷150公斤以上,身高200公分以下的受照護者。依據41位照護者的調查,本產品在SUS易用性量表上達到良好的滿意度。
黃義良(2020)。 雙向安全且快速調整移位帶之研發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 361-373。
Research on a Two-way Safe and Fast Adjusting Shift Belt
Huang, Y. -L.
English Abstract The purpose of this research is to invent a shifting belt that can be quickly adjusted for the health and safety of caregivers and patients. It has two large safety quick-release straps on both sides and foam with double handles on the edges. The user exerts force through the shoulder and back, which has the function of two-way protection. It can be quickly converted between 1 to 4 caregivers, is practical and comfortable, improves the quality of care giving, and does not require repeated purchases. In the advanced version, the felt is attached to the back of the main structure and can be pulled out if necessary. The main structure can be extended by 60 cm, providing the safety of the head and neck for tall patients, making it highly applicable for caregivers in doing their work. This product is especially suitable for caregivers at homes and small-scale institutions providing multiple functions. Test results show it can load more than 150 kilograms for a care recipient whose height is less than 200 cm. According to a survey of 41 caregivers, this product has achieved "good" satisfaction on the System Usability Scale.Keywords:security, adjustable, transferring, care, assistive device