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中文摘要 隨著人口高齡化與醫療費用的高漲,藝術團體與相關組織提倡社會處方,透過非醫療介入方式,整合在病患的初級照護中,具有強化健康照護提供者與社區、自願組織與地方主管機關之間連結的功能,促進病患的心理健康。有鑑於目前對於高齡者的關注偏重在生理健康的照顧,本研究關注在高齡者的心理議題。透過次級資料分析,從創意健康觀點,討論藝術處方在高齡服務的運用,主要內容包括說明對於健康觀點的轉變,並從他國與台灣相關研究說明藝術對於高齡者的效益與可能遭遇的問題。研究建議醫療人員與藝術人員合作建立藝術處方的推動共識,並對於產生的成效建立系統性評估方式。
劉宜君(2020)。 從創意健康觀點討論藝術處方在高齡照顧服務之運用。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 318-331。
The role of Arts in Older Adults’ Care from a Creative Health Perspective
Liu, I.-C.
English Abstract Aging populations and the rising cost of health care for them are forcing organizations involved in their care to search for alternative non-medical complementary health services and social solutions to enhance cognition and improve their overall health. These can be integrated into the primary care of patients through non-medical interventions to strengthen the link between health care providers and the community, voluntary organizations and local authorities to promote their mental health. The current interest on physical health care for older adults has encouraged this study on psychological issues among them. Analyzing secondary data, we discuss the use of arts prescriptions in older adults’ services from a creative health perspective. This study examines the changes in the health perspective as well as the benefits that accrue to the patients by the use of arts for older adults. It also discusses the possible problems encountered in Taiwan and elsewhere. It recommends medical professionals and artists to work together to build a consensus on the promotion of arts prescriptions and establish a systematic mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of arts prescriptions.Keywords:arts on prescription, older adults’ care, art therapy, creative health