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中文摘要 瞭解社區長者之預防跌倒經驗及看法,以有效降低老人跌倒盛行率或避免盛行率升高實為值得關切之老年健康照顧議題。本研究目的在從社區長者的訪談資料中發掘影響預防跌倒行動之可能因素,以期從社區長者之觀點來瞭解影響個人採取預防跌倒行動的關聯性因子,以提供老人社區照顧服務方案之應用參考。本研究以健康信念模式(Health Belief Model, HBM)為理論架構設計訪談大綱,共辦理六場焦點團體訪談,每場各招募8位六十歲以上社區長者參與討論,訪談資料以質性研究之直接內容分析來進行分析。受訪者平均年齡74.54±8.75歲,訪談逐字稿內容經由直接內容分析共整理出54個濃縮意義單位,25個編碼,前述編碼再依據健康信念模式之六個類別進行歸類。未來以聚焦於社區長者觀點及需求所規劃之老人預防跌倒介入方案,將可有效促進社區長者對採取預防跌倒行動的參與率及遵從度,並減少造成社區長者跌倒的危險因子。
陳雪芬(2020)。 從社區長者觀點探討健康信念、行動線索與自我效能對採取預防跌倒行動可能性之影響。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 299-317。
Exploring the impact of health beliefs, self-efficacy, and cue to action on the likelihood of fall prevention actions from the perspective of community-dwelling older adults
Chen, S.-F.
English Abstract Investigating the experiences and the opinions on the fall prevention in community-dwelling older adults is a noteworthy issue in elderly health care being that it can effectively reduce the fall prevalence rate of the elderly or prevent an increase in prevalence. This study aimed to identify possible factors that affect fall prevention action by interviewing the elderly. The determinants of individuals taking fall prevention action provide a reference from community-dwelling older adults to the application of community care services for the elderly. This research applied the Health Belief Model (HBM) as the theoretical framework to design the interview outline. Six focus group interviews were conducted. Each session recruited eight community elders over the age of 60 to participate in the focus group. The average age of the respondents was 74.54 ± 8.75 years old. The content of the verbatim transcript was categorized and analyzed using direct content analysis. Fifty-four condensed meaning units and twenty-five codes were derived. The preceding codes were then classified according to the six categories of the Health Belief Model. Emphasis on the older adults’ perspectives and needs in future fall prevention intervention programs for the elderly can promote the participation rate and compliance of the elderly in the adoption of fall prevention actions and reduce the fall risk factors among the community-dwelling older adults.Keywords:older adults’ perspectives, Health Belief Model, fall prevention, community care