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中文摘要 國內醫療院所的負壓隔離病房多建立於2003年爆發的嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)時期。由於疫情來得突然,規劃設計的過程多未考量臨床人員的需求,以致多數病房空調系統硬體系統設計不良,操作流程與介面設計更缺乏整體設計思考,增加了在負壓隔離病房執行醫療作業護理人員發生院內感染的風險。因此本研究遵循使用者中心設計的步驟,以北部某醫學中心為個案,邀請共36人次的臨床人員全程參與研究過程。確立了負壓隔離病房空調系統問題,再由臨床需求共同提出解決方案,提出了在淺色背景下,以低明度文字呈現空調資訊的新型介面設計案。最後透過使用性評估發現,新型介面較現有介面有較低的心智負荷與較高的使用者滿意度,代表新型介面較符合使用者需求。尤其是與護理人員共同討論將標準值標示在空調參數旁的設計特色獲得使用者的肯定,其可以讓人員在檢核或調整數值時有參考依據而感到安心。
駱信昌、阮柏政(2020)。 以使用者為中心之負壓隔離病房空調介面設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 374-393。
User-centered Design for Air Conditioning Interface of Negative Pressure Isolation Ward
Lo, H.-C., Juan, P.-C
English Abstract Negative pressure isolation wards of domestic medical institutions were mostly established during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003. The suddenness of the outbreak gave little time to plan and the design process often did not consider the needs of clinical staff, resulting in poor designing of most of the ward hardware systems. The operation process and interface design lacked overall design conceptualization, increasing the risk of nosocomial infections among nursing staff assisting in medical operations in the ward. Therefore, this study followed user-centered design steps with a medical center in north Taiwan as a case. It involved a total of 36 clinical staff. We identified the air conditioning system in the negative pressure isolation ward as the cause. In consultation with clinical staff we proposed a new interface design based on low-brightness with light background. Usability evaluation showed that the new interface has lower mental load and higher user satisfaction than the existing interface, and is more in line with their needs.Keywords:negative pressure isolation ward, user-centered design, interface design