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中文摘要 長照機構的照服員或居家照顧者常需協助身心障礙者進行翻身、換尿布、上下床等轉移位之動作,極易發生肌肉骨骼傷害,且受傷部位多位於下背部及肩頸部分。研發一款降低照顧者骨骼傷害風險之輔具,讓照顧者可以方便、省力地協助個案翻身,以減少翻身時造成肌肉骨骼傷害之風險。橫斷式方便取樣問卷調查法進行分析及新產品之設計。產品形式為長條帶狀,命名為翻身手臂帶,本體選擇聚醯胺(polyamide)材質,俗稱為尼龍(nylon),內裏縫製魔鬼氈之勾面,外層縫製魔鬼氈之毛面及一織帶手把,方便固定於人體手臂上段,提供結構簡單、輕量化而又方便使用的效果。20位受訪者對於所設計的產品表示手臂翻身帶容易攜帶與操作,並覺得有達到省力以及減輕身體負荷之作用,也不會覺得有異物感或不適的感覺。本產品適用於照顧者協助無法自行翻身之患者,它不僅設計輕巧、攜帶方便、容易收納、使用方法簡單易學,亦考量通用設計,可依患者手臂粗細不同調節適合之長度,不管體型胖瘦皆適用。期望此新產品能嘉惠更多長照之照護者。
楊宜軒、許治玄、廖星嵐、許微妮、石惠美(2021)。 翻身手臂帶設計與試用。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 394-405。
Innovation product: Arm Belt for changing position
Yang,Yi-Hsuan, Hsu,Chih-Hsuan, Liao,Sing-Lan, Hsu,Wei-Ni, Shih,Whei-Mei
English Abstract Caregivers and patients in long-term care institutions, home care or acute care organizations face the risk of musculoskeletal disorders while changing positions. These risks can be reduced both to the caregiver and the patient using a simple and light arm belt, which can be fixed on the patient’s arm, offering a convenient and affordable device. It can also support patients who cannot change positions on their own. It is light, easy to carry and store, easy to learn to use, has a universal design, and is adjustable. It will prove beneficial to long-term caregivers and patients.Keywords:change position, assistive device, arm belt for changing position