機構從事自立支援照顧模式 照顧服務員工作壓力、休閒活動與工作績效之研究
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中文摘要 台灣於2018年3月邁入高齡社會,使得照顧服務員人力需求激增;有感自立支援照顧以回復高齡者自主生活能力為目標,兼顧飲食、喝水、排便及活動四大基本照顧,將成為台灣未來之照顧模式。故本研究針對從事自立支援照顧模式之機構照顧服務員,探討其工作壓力感受、休閒活動參與現況及是否影響工作績效情形。使用問卷調查法,採便利取樣,以全台灣實施自立支援照顧模式之機構照顧服務員為研究母群,回收有效問卷樣本數358份。從研究結果發現:(1)照顧服務員以中高齡已婚女性居多,教育程度則大學含專科最多,服務年資未滿一年比例最高,相對薪資在25,000-30,000元占最高比例,且大都是家庭主要經濟來源,而額外加班1小時以上占將近50%;(2)照顧服務員的工作壓力、休閒活動與工作績效會因個人屬性變項之不同而有部分顯著差異;(3) 照顧服務員工作壓力、休閒活動與工作績效三者有部分顯著相關;(4)工作壓力對工作績效預測力達顯著水準。以上結果期望未來機構在實施自立支援照顧模式時,安排規劃休閒活動時,增加自立支援照顧相關知識性休閒活動、正視照顧服務員工作職責及角色功能劃分、重視機構責任及升遷與福利,及落實勞基法之工作加班時數管控。
陳聰堅、林靜媺、林金立(2020)。 機構從事自立支援照顧模式 照顧服務員工作壓力、休閒活動與工作績效之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 8(4), 332-360。
A study of work pressure, leisure activity and work performance in resident care assistants in self-supporting care organizations
Chen, T.-C., Lin, J.-M.. Lin, J.-L.
English Abstract Since 2018, due to the changing of population structure affected by the lower birth rate and aging society, Taiwan has been experiencing an increasing demand for long-term care services. The purpose of self-supporting care is to facilitate the independent living skills of elders which can be categorized into four basic cares: eating, drinking, defecation, and activities which will become important for the long-term care in Taiwan in the future. The study aims to discuss the relevant situations in which resident care assistants experience work pressure, their participation in leisure activities, and whether or not those impact their work performance when they promote self-supporting care of elders. For the purpose of this research the convenience sampling questionnaire survey was used. The researchers distributed the questionnaire to 360 resident care assistants and received 358 completed questionnaires on which quantitative analysis research was conducted. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) The majority of resident care assistants were middle-aged married women, with college and junior college level education, the highest proportion of which had working experience in the care service of less than 1 year, and with relative income around NT$25,000-30,000. Most of resident care assistants represent the main source of their family income, and those working over an hour of overtime account for nearly 50%; (2) The difference between resident care assistants’ work pressure, leisure activity, and work performance is partly remarkable because of the individual variable; (3) There was evidence of significant correlation among the three factors studied; (4) Work achievements and competency fell under a significant influence of work pressure. The abovementioned results show what organizations implementing self-supporting care system and the arranging of leisure activities in the future can expect, how they can increase the related knowledge of leisure activities in self-supporting care, determine the resident care assistants’ work responsibility, and divide roles. In addition, this research demonstrated the value of responsibility, promotion, and welfare of those organizations, and the need to maintain the control of overtime hours according to the Labor Standards Act.Keywords:aging society, independent living skill, four basic cares