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中文摘要 受惠於醫學技術的進步,國人壽命得以逐年延長,然而生活型態及外在環境的改變,導致國人平均年齡比以前較長,卻未必生活得健康。本研究旨在探討影響消費者健康保險外溢效果保單使用態度之因素,藉由外溢保單推廣以建立保戶立自主健康管理,達到事前預防之效益以降低保險公司的損失率,增進國人健康,進而促進保險公司、消費者及社會達到三贏成效。研究採用調查分析法,先透過修正式德菲法來確認各構面題項之一致性,再採取配額抽樣發放消費者問卷,本研究總計回收200份有效問卷,經由多元迴歸分析檢驗假說。研究結果顯示,影響健康保險外溢效果保單之使用態度分別為外溢保單對消費者健康關注的功能性、社會因素對消費者的影響、消費者對保險公司的信任及對外溢保單的認知程度等,這些都對使用態度有顯著正向的影響,但有關消費者外溢保單應用穿戴科技的容易程度對消費者使用態度則無顯著之影響。研究結果對保險業未來從事健康保險外溢效果保單之行銷推廣提供實務策略並且可做為增進消費者自我健康管理之參考。
史尚宥、李珍穎、范姜肱(2021)。 健康保險外溢效果保單消費者使用態度之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 1-20。
A Study of Customer Attitudes Related to the use of a Health Insurance Spillover Effect Policy
Shih, Y. S., *Lee, C. H., Fan, C. K.
English Abstract With recent advances in medical technology, the life expectancy of Taiwanese people has been increasing year after year. However, while changes in lifestyle and the environment have caused the average age and life span of Taiwanese people to increase, they may not have a healthy lifestyle. This study aims to investigate the effects of consumers' attitudes related to using a health insurance spillover effect policy. In this study, the modified Delphi method was used to ensure the consistency of the various aspects of the questions used on a questionnaire, and take a sample while distributing consumer questionnaires. A total of 200 useable samples were collected in this study; multiple regression analysis was used to test the research hypotheses. The results found that perceptual usefulness, social norms, perceptual trust, and involvement all have a significantly positive effect on the usage attitudes of consumers, although perceived ease of use did not significantly affect the usage attitudes of consumers. Our empirical results have practical implications for insurers planning to engage in marketing strategies and the promotion of health insurance spillover effect policies; the findings of the present study can be used as a reference for enhancing consumers’ self-health management in Taiwan.Keywords:spillover effect insurance, usage attitude, modified Delphi method, extended technology acceptance model