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中文摘要 台灣於1995年開辦健保以來,中醫就成為民眾就醫的選項之一。軟組織損傷是中醫門診常見的疾患,以中高齡族群居多,醫師常運用針灸治療,若病患對針灸過程認知不足,可能會影響就診的滿意度。台灣人口老化嚴重,對醫療需求日增,據統計近十年來醫療院所增幅達13.2%,健保給付審查也相對嚴格,而中醫診所增幅為23.6%最多,可見同業經營壓力很大,但對中醫門診相關滿意度研究卻很少。本研究目的是要了解中高齡族群因軟組織損傷於中醫診所接受針灸治療的過程認知與滿意程度。研究採問卷調查方式收集資料,以中部地區兩家中醫診所接受軟組織損傷針灸治療的中高齡族群為研究對象,共回收224份。問卷設計包含人口統計變項及針灸過程認知、病患滿意度兩個構面。統計結果如下:(1)針灸過程認知與病患滿意度平均數皆屬中高程度,認知題項中以暈針現象平均數最低;滿意度題項中以針灸時所處環境的隱密性平均數最低。(2)人口統計變項中的針灸次數與留針時間對病患滿意度皆呈現顯著差異。(3)針灸過程認知與病患滿意度具顯著相關,說明瞭解針灸過程認知有其必要性。研究結果可提供給中醫相關人士作參考。
陳聰堅、嚴俊麟(2021)。 中高齡族群對軟組織損傷接受針灸治療過程的認知與滿意度研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 21-36。
Study on the Perception and Satisfaction of Middle-Aged and Older Patients Receiving Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy for Soft Tissue Injuries
Chen, Tsung-Chien, Yen, Chung-Lin
English Abstract Since the inception of the national health insurance program in 1995, traditional Chinese medicine has become an important medical alternative in Taiwan. Soft tissue injuries are the most common complaints seen in outpatient care involving traditional Chinese medicine, especially for middle-aged and older patients. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy are often used by physicians. If a patient lacks sufficient knowledge related to the use of acupuncture, this may affect the patient’s satisfaction when seeing a doctor. The demand for medical care has increased with the aging of the middle-aged and older adults population of Taiwan. The number of medical institutions in Taiwan has increased 13.2% compared to that of ten years ago. However, the increase in the number of traditional Chinese medical clinics has exceed that of other types of clinics, reaching a 23.6% increase. It can be seen that competition for traditional Chinese medicine services is high. However, research on patient satisfaction with Chinese medicine outpatient care is lacking. The objectives of this study were to investigate patients’ perception and satisfaction on treating soft tissue injuries using acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for middle-aged and older patients. The data for study were acquired through the questionnaire designed to collect data from the middle-aged and older patients seeking acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Data were collected in two Chinese medicine clinics in central Taiwan, using a total of 224 completed questionnaires. Questions were grouped into two categories that are related to population variables and perception plus a satisfaction survey. After analyzing the collected data, the statistical results suggest: (1) patients’ perception related to the therapy and satisfaction of traditional Chinese medicine treatment mainly ranged from medium to high; perception of a needle phobia was the lowest; satisfaction of the environmental factor was the lowest, especially as it pertains to the privacy of the treatment environment; (2) a significant discrepancy exists for patients’ satisfaction between acupuncture times and duration for treatment; and (3) a significant correlation was found between the patient’s perception of acupuncture therapy and patients’ satisfaction. Enhancing patients’ perception about the overall therapy procedure and significantly improve patient satisfaction. The study results will provide useful references for practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.Keywords:acupuncture, moxibustion therapy, medical demand, satisfaction, needle phobia