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中文摘要 社區關懷照顧據點是協助高齡者在地老化的重要機構,除了提供福利資源外,亦透過教育的課程協助高齡者達到健康促進的目的,因此據點教師的專業發展議題尤需重視。本研究旨在探討社區關懷照顧據點教師在活躍老化知識與專業發展之認知,以及對於其參加培訓的態度與從事高齡教學意向的影響,本研究主要以量化研究取向,並且加入質性訪談分析,量化問卷調查對象為79位南投縣社區關懷據點的講師,質性訪談部分則邀請五位在據點任教的講師。量化分析採用偏最小平方法進行研究結構模式的探討,問卷調查結果發現教師專業發展之通用知能認知對於參加研習態度具有顯著的影響;訪談結果發現,社區照顧關懷據點承辦人的觀念會影響據點開設課程的品質,尤其是對於師資的聘請。根據研究之結果,本研究提供四點建議供社區照顧關懷據點的經營者與講師參考。
賴弘基(2021)。 社區照顧關懷據點教師參與培訓態度與從事高齡教學意向影響因素之探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 75-89。
Factors affecting Instructors’ Attitude Toward Training and Their Intention to Teach the Older Adults at Community Care Centers in Taiwan
Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract A community care center is an important place that assists the older adults in Taiwan. Apart from providing welfare resources, community care centers offer courses to enhance the well-being of the older adults, both physically and psychologically. Professional training of the instructors at community care centers, therefore, needs to be conducted carefully and meticulously. The objective of this study is to examine how instructors perceive active aging and their development professionally. This study also explores how participation in training will influence instructors’ intention to teach older adults. This study adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect research data. Questionnaires were distributed to 79 instructors at community care centers in Nantou county. Five interviews were also arranged. The Partial Least Squares method was used to test the research model. The results showed that instructors’ general competency has a positive influence on their attitude toward training. Interview analysis revealed that the perceptions of community care centers’ managers affect the quality of courses, particularly in hiring the right teachers. Based on the research results, four suggestions are provided to managers and instructors at community care centers.Keywords:community care center, training participation attitude, teaching the older adults