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中文摘要 本文探討同志社群居住長期照顧機構中面臨的狀況與對策研擬。本文採取文獻分析法,首先綜合國內外相關文獻,進而透過生態系統觀點及架構闡述同志社群居住在長期照顧機構中的處境以及各系統所面臨的問題,關注各個生態系統與同志社群之關係,納入實質環境、社會制度等外部與鉅觀系統來進行解析:(1)微觀系統:同志避免被歧視而隱藏自己;(2)居間系統:同志團體、親友與長期照顧機構的關係;(3)外部系統:各個外部系統間接影響同志居住長期照顧機構的生活;(4)鉅觀系統:社會環境形成的氛圍影響同志居住長期照顧機構的生活;(5)時間系統:同志在長期照顧機構中生理、心理及環境的變化。本文根據上述探討,從生態系統觀點提出長期照顧機構同志友善的建議:(1)微觀系統:提升同志現身機會和對長期照顧機構的信任感;(2)居間系統:同志團體、親友與長期照顧機構通力合作;(3)外部系統:推動同志友善長期照顧的支持系統;(4)鉅觀系統:營造文化多樣性的長期照顧機構;(5)時間系統:重視同志生命歷程的議題。本文期此觀點能應用於實務方面,建立友善、支持、尊重與可近的同志友善的長期照顧服務,以及提供有心致力同志友善長照的發展者之參考。
洪宏(2021)。 從生態系統理論探討同志社群居住長期照顧機構的狀況與對策研擬。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 101-122。
Situation and Countermeasures of Long-term Care Institutions for LGBT Clients — An Ecological System Approach
Hong, H.
English Abstract This study analyzes the current situation related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) residents of long-term care institutions. After conducting an analysis of the literature, using the perspective and framework of an ecosystem, the present study expounds on the needs of LGBT people living in long-term care institutions. The results are discussed as follows. (1) Microsystem: LGBT residents tend to hide their opinions to avoid being discriminated against. (2) Mesosystem: The relationships LGBT residents develop with LGBT groups, relatives, friends, and long-term care institutions. (3) Ecosystem: Different ecosystems indirectly affect the lives of residents of long-term care institutions. (4) Macro system: The social environment affects the lives of residents of long-term care institutions. (5) Chronosystem: The changes of physiological, psychological, and environmental experiences of LGBT residents in long-term care institutions. Based on the above discussion of systems, this study proposes suggestions for long-term care institutions: (1) Microsystem: Enhance the opportunities for LGBT residents to reveal their status and trust in long-term care institutions. (2) Mesosystem: Facilitate cooperation between these residents and LGBT groups, relatives, friends, and long-term care institutions. (3) Ecosystem: Develop a support system to promote LGBT friendly long-term care. (4) Macro system: Creating diverse long-term care institutions. (5) Chronosystem: Attach importance to the issue of the life course of LGBT people in general. The purpose of this study is to help LGBT residents of long-term care institutions receive care and services in a friendly manner that appropriately addresses their needs and desires, and to provide a reference for those who are committed to the development of LGBT friendly long-term care services.Keywords:gay, long-term care institutions, ecosystem theory, LGBT-friendly long-term care