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中文摘要 本研究目的在探討失智症家庭照顧者的需求以及對網站平台提供社會支持的想法與建議。以質性半結構式深度訪談12位失智症家庭照顧者。研究發現,失智症家庭照顧者呈現四大情境主題:因照顧工作使得生活不便、面對失智症狀的照顧困擾、沒有管道與方法學習如何照顧、覺得照顧工作是自己應該做的。其需求依訪談結果形成四個主題、十三個次主題,主題一「情感性的支持需求」:需要紓解壓力、情緒的自我調節能力;主題二「實質性的支持需求」:諮詢醫護或社工專家、資源連結的管道、高可近性與可用性的長照服務、個案管理的雙向溝通、經濟補助;主題三「訊息性的支持需求」:失智症照顧的共享經驗、失智症照顧與社福資源相關資訊、照顧者的課程講座;主題四「社會網絡的支持需求」:家庭支援網絡的協助、同為失智症照顧者的網絡互動、朋友的互動。照顧者希望網站可以提供失智照顧相關資訊/課程、討論區、群組交流、專業人員諮詢、照顧者的個案管理服務、跑腿服務、媒合臨時看護服務。本研究建議未來針對失智症家庭照顧者的網站平台可以提供多功能、互動性、量身訂製的服務連結以滿足照顧者的社會支持需求。
陳偲宓、劉立凡(2021)。 從失智症家庭照顧者的需求探討線上支持平台的開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 37-55。
Exploring the Development of an Online Support Platform Based on the Needs of Family Caregivers of Patients with Dementia
Chen, S.-M., Liu, L.-F.
English Abstract This study aims to explore the needs of family caregivers of a person with dementia (PWD) and the ideas and suggestions for a website platform that provides social support. According to the results of interviews conducted for this study, the family caregivers of PWD, the following four themes were identified: the inconvenience of life due to caregiving, caring problems brought on by dementia symptoms, lack of channels and methods to receive training in caregiving, and the obligatory feeling that caregiving should be done by themselves. The needs of family caregivers of PWD are then mapped to the social support needed, forming four themes and thirteen sub-themes. Theme 1-Emotional Needs: (1) the need to relieve stress and (2) the ability to self-regulate emotionally. Theme 2-Tangible Needs: (1) the need to consult health care or social work experts, (2) a channel to find further resources, (3) high accessibility and availability of long-term services, (4) bilateral communication for case management, and (5) financial assistance. Theme 3-Informational Needs: (1) others’ experience in dementia care, (2) information about dementia care and social welfare resources, and (3) lectures for caregivers. Theme 4-Social Networking Needs: (1) assistance from a family support network, (2) a network interaction with other caregivers of PWD, and (3) more interaction with friends. Caregivers hope that a website platform can provide information/courses about dementia, discussion forum, group communication, professional consultation, case management service, errand service, and matchmaking for temporary care service. This study suggests that future website platform for family caregivers of PWD can provide various multi-functional, interactive, and customized service channels to meet caregivers’ needs for social support.Keywords:family caregivers, dementia, caregiving needs, social support, website