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中文摘要 我國隨著社會變遷與醫療衛生的進步,生育率與死亡率雙雙出現下降的趨勢,整體人口結構快速趨向高齡化,使得長期照顧(以下簡稱長照)需求人數也同步增加。為回應此一需求,衛福部提出長照2.0,以期建立在地老化的整體照顧體系,其中,C級巷弄長照站作為民眾尋求社區照顧服務的最前端,能影響整個社區照顧模式,不但肩負強化初級預防照顧服務的重責,更是提高地方照顧服務質量的開始,實現在地老化的重要里程碑。因此,本研究旨在探討C級長照站照顧人力的專業知能,透過文獻梳理、專家建議及實務工作者訪談,探索C級長照站照服員之專業知能及內涵,並具體提出C級長照站照服員專業知能應包含知識、技能、態度三大面向,其下包含十個項目、三十五項內涵。
林麗惠、張智翔、林宜萱(2021)。 「C級巷弄長照站」照顧服務員專業知能及其內涵之探究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(1), 56-74。
Exploring the professional knowledge and skills of caregivers in C-LTC stations
Lin, L.-H., Zhang, Z.-X., Lin, Y.-H.
English Abstract Taiwan’s rapid aging population and the related changes in family structure have resulted in fewer caregivers and more care receivers in families, making long-term care a critical issue and major challenge in Taiwan. In response, the Ministry of Health and Welfare implemented Long-term Care Plan 2.0 (LTC2.0) in 2017. With “Ageing in place” as a policy goal, LTC2.0 aims to establish an accessible, affordable, universal long-term care service system in Taiwan, to create a comprehensive LTC system that integrates medical care, LTC services, housing, preventative medicine, and social assistance in a way that is designed to allow people with disabilities to receive the care they need within a 30-minute drive from home. In order to achieve that goal, LTC2.0 is designed to facilitate the establishment of Tier C-LTC stations in neighborhoods, to provide respite service in each neighborhood, and implement primary preventative medicine programs. Each Tier C-LTC station acts as the point of contact for people who seek for long-term care resources in a community. Because the caregivers in Tier C-LTC stations are the main service providers for clients, they play a very important role and are the key factor for successful aging in place. In light of the above, it’s crucial to explore the difference between caregivers in a Tier C-LTC station and other institutions; more importantly, what caregivers need to know and have to learn should be considered in order to provide appropriate community-based care services. The present study aimed to explore the professional knowledge and skills of caregivers in Tier C-LTC stations. With literature review and in-depth interviews with caregivers, the study defined what Tier C-LTC station caregivers need in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude; these three aspects were further classified into ten items and thirty-five sub-items.Keywords:long term care, Tier C-LTC station, caregiver, professional knowledge and skills