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中文摘要 高齡社會已是台灣重大公共議題,老年精神保健領域中,懷舊處遇策略已累積許多研究與理論成果。本研究目的在探討目前台灣懷舊處遇策略的研究現況與研究缺口,以啟發國內高齡諮商實務中懷舊處遇策略的未來方向。本研究以系統性文獻回顧方法,回顧自2000-2018年間台灣高齡懷舊處遇策略之文獻,依系統性回顧四階段標準化程序:辨識(Identification)、篩選(Screening)、合格(Eligibility)、納入(Included),作為文獻搜尋與篩選流程。文獻篩選標準包含:(1)探討懷舊處遇策略對高齡者的應用;(2)學術性文獻;(3)可取得電子或紙本全文。文獻資料來源為「華藝線上圖書館中文電子期刊資訊庫」與「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」二大文獻資料庫,正式納入的期刊文獻共有109篇。將所篩選出的論文,依據發表年分、作者背景、研究對象、處遇策略、研究設計與研究結果,以描述性統計的統計量進行分析。研究發現國內懷舊處遇策略文獻受醫療照護領域主導,著重失能老人個案研究,較少關注深度懷舊處遇策略,在無標準化懷舊處遇模式的情況下偏重探討處遇效益,缺乏探討不同生活背景高齡者的適用性與本土懷舊現象。文中進一步建議發展本土化懷舊研究與研究工具,為深度療癒性懷舊處遇策略的基石,因應社區高齡心理衛生需求依高齡者的主體性與多元性,建議諮商心理領域聯合跨領域專業發展適合社區亞健康長者的懷舊處遇策略,作為國內高齡諮商實務發展懷舊處遇策略的方向。
陳采熏、蕭文(2021)。 台灣懷舊處遇策略文獻回顧對高齡諮商實務的啟發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(2), 170-198。
Senior Reminiscence Intervention Strategies in Taiwan: Review and Prospect
Chen, Tsai-Shiun, Hsiao, Wen
English Abstract This study reviews literature on the reminiscence intervention strategies from the year 2000 to 2018 in Taiwan. Published literature in Taiwan on the reminiscence and life review of seniors were investigated from two sources, the Airiti Library and The PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System. After a multi-step screening process, there were 109 articles selected for systematic review. We analyzed research trends regarding year of publication, author(s) background, objectives, intervention strategies, research design and results. Our research found that: (1) Medical care experts lead domestic reminiscence intervention strategies, focusing on case studies of disabled older adults; (2) Many structured life review strategies and multiple reminiscence stimuli have been developed in Taiwan, with less reminiscence counseling strategies; (3) Reminiscence intervention models in Taiwan are very different from each other without standardization, and are rarely based on the diversity of older adults; (4) Domestic research is focused on the benefits of intervention, and there is insufficient exploration in the phenomenon of Taiwanese people's reminiscence. Lastly, suggestions are proposed for senior counseling in Taiwan.Keywords:community counseling, older adults, reminiscence, senior counseling