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中文摘要 隨著世界人口急遽老化,以老人為中心的人際互動語言,在老年語言學領域,逐漸受到重視,本文將以台灣為背景,簡單介紹台灣語言學界關注此議題的研究進程,並進一步聚焦以情境、社會關係、文化態度為導向的老年社會語言學研究案。本文以三種以老人交際為主的溝通情境為例,分別為:老青跨世代陌生人之間的初次對話、樂齡教育師生之間的溝通、居家長期照護者與被照護者之間的溝通,說明對應老人互動時,所採取的溝通策略、決策考量點、與相關對話機制,並從促進老人福祉的觀點,探討與他們互動時的溝通困境與啟發。
陳錦慧(2021)。 與高齡者互動的溝通策略:以台灣老年社會語言學研究為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(2), 199-211。
Communication strategies for social interaction with older people: A review of Taiwan-based gerontological-sociolinguistic studies
Chen, Chin-Hui
English Abstract The world is dramatically ageing, increasing the need to pay attention to language use in social interaction involving older people. Such issues also crop up in Taiwan. This paper summarizes the history of previous studies in linguistic disciplines focusing on three Taiwan-based linguistic projects illustrating how to communicate with older people in three scenarios, namely, young-old first encounter talks, teacher-student communication in senior education contexts, and long-term home-care contexts. The implications of the identified communication accommodation strategies, underlying rationale, and uncovered conversational mechanisms are discussed in the conclusion.Keywords:gerontological sociolinguistics; communication; social interaction; older people