陳妍榛 陳韋臻 張敏玲 蔡碧藍
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中文摘要 口腔衛生十分重要,口腔外來置入物會破壞口咽部的自然防衛機轉,導致呼吸器相關性肺炎感染。臨床上使用咬口器,是為了避免使用氣管內管病人發生不自主咬住氣管內管,影響呼吸道的通暢。但不當咬口器的放置,可能造成口腔黏膜組織壓迫壞死,執行口腔護理困難與時間花費的增加,因此為臨床照護需要、控制院內感染,及考慮環保等概念下,啟發咬口器的創新設計。本文首先比較臨床使用的三型咬口器之大小、直徑、便利性與副作用等特性,發現有材質太硬,易出血潰瘍及整體咬口器含入或吐出口腔等缺點,在考慮咬口器材質柔軟度及成本下,設計增加長度、直徑與深度的改良式咬口器,以利氣管內管留置病患的安全舒適,避免口腔黏膜磨損及潰瘍,照護時間縮短等優點,將來若能通過臨床人體試驗及衛生署許可建置,則可提升口腔外來置入物之環境衛生。
陳妍榛, 陳韋臻, 張敏玲, 蔡碧藍(2014)。 營造舒適的口腔環境-咬口器的創新設計與開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 63-70。
Creating a comfortable and safe oral environment -- Development of an innovative oral bite block
Chen, Y.- C., Chen, W.-C., Chang, M.-L., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Oral hygiene is crucial for patients with ventilators. Clinically, the oral bite was designed to prevent patient biting their endotracheal tube and leading to airway block. Inappropriate placement of foreign objects (e.g oral bite block) in the patient’s oral cavity may cause oropharyngeal dysfunction and increase the risk of developing ventilator used related pneumonia. Moreover, misplacement of an oral bite block may not only result in oral mucosal damage and tissue necrosis, but also increase difficulty for nurses to perform oral care for those patients. This study aimed to design an innovative oral bite block for appropriate use. Three types of oral bite blocks were compared in their size, diameters, convenience, and side effects. As a result, the texture of the three oral bite blocks are either very hard, easily causing oral bleeding and ulceration, or spit-out from some patients. Large size oral bite block is also undesirable. The innovative device is created based on the goal of providing better comfort, decreasing possibility of oral bleeding and ulceration, and shortening time of care.Further clinical trial and the approval from the Department of Health will be performed, so more patients could be benefited.Keywords:oral hygiene, oral bite block, innovation