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中文摘要 失智症患者人數逐漸增加,2020年台灣目前估計有將近29萬失智人口,並且逐年增加,民眾對失智的理解程度低會增加恐懼、污名化和社會排斥現象(Lustria et al., 2009)。在現今失智人口急遽攀升的年代,如何提高對失智者有善的態度是目前社會急需受重視的議題。本研究目的是希望藉由體驗失智者於疾病歷程中所經歷的症狀,使體驗者能同理並反思失智者的感受,減少對失智症的歧視和偏見,強化對失智症正確認識及友善態度。體驗後透過問卷調查了解體驗的感受,總計49份有效問卷,統計結果顯示,在體驗感受部分,記憶力體驗後,多數人感到困惑(38.8%)、口語表達能力體驗後,多數人感到焦慮(51.2%)、語言閱讀理解體驗後,因不理解感受到困惑(36.6%)因催促感受到煩燥(40%),因吵雜感受到煩躁(44.2%)。在體驗心得回饋部分,體驗者表示對失智症的認識提升(25%)、對失智長者同理心增加(32%)、在未來遇到失智者願意付出行動(43%)。透過模擬失智情境的活動,體驗者更能以失智者的角度設身處地反思失智者的感受,將有助於提升大眾對失智者友善態度。
吳玟臻、王怡棻、方淇樺、余泯錚、吳九松、龔本珍(2021)。 友你一起,守護失智—失智模擬體驗設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(2), 237-256。
Dementia Friend - Dementia Simulated Experience Design
Wu, W.-C., Wang, Y.-F., Fang, C.-H., Yu, M.-Z., Wu, J.-S., Kung, P.-C.
English Abstract The number of dementia patients is gradually increasing. It is ¬estimated that by 2020 there will be nearly 290,000 people with dementia in Taiwan, and the number is increasing year on year. The low level of understanding of dementia by the public will increase the phenomenon of fear, stigma and social exclusion (Lustria et al., 2009). In a period of rapid increase in dementia population, it is an urgent issue for the society on how to improve the attitude toward the loss of wisdom. The purpose of this study is to enable the experiencers to empathize with and reflect on the feelings of the lost intellectual by experiencing the symptoms experienced by the lost intellectual afflicted by the disease, lower discrimination and prejudice against dementia, and improve understanding and increase friendly attitude toward dementia. We had collected a total of 49 valid questionnaires to understand the feelings of the experience. Statistical results showed that most people were confused in relation to experience (38.8%) after experiencing memory, were anxious (51.2%) after experience of oral expression, and were anxious (51%) after experiencing language reading and comprehension. Confusion is caused by incomprehension (36.6%), irritability by urging (40%) and anxiety by urging (44.2%). In the experience feedback, participants reported increased awareness of dementia (25%), increased empathy for older people with dementia (32%), and willingness to take suitable action in the future when they encounter someone with dementia (43%). By simulating the situation of loss of wisdom, the experiencer can reflect on the feeling of loss of wisdom from the perspective of loss of wisdom, which will help to enhance the public's friendly attitude toward loss of wisdom.Keywords:dementia, dementia friendly, simulated experience design