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中文摘要 從人口結構老化發展趨勢推論,可預見高齡受刑人未來將成為在監受刑人主要群體,專屬於高齡受刑人的相關問題,勢將顯現且日益重要,宜及早研究因應。本研究採年齡65歲以上的高齡受刑人為研究對象,以不同累進處遇級別與基本背景資料作自變項,對社會支持進行分析,以探究不同累進處遇級別高齡受刑人在社會支持之差異情形,經立意抽樣高齡受刑人472人,回收問卷452份,回收率達95.8%,根據「獨立樣本雙因子變異數」分析結果,發現不同累進處遇級別與基本背景資料(性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、子女狀況、宗教信仰、神經質人格特質等)無交互作用,不同累進處遇級別及年齡、教育程度、子女狀況對於社會支持之影響未達顯著差異,不同性別、婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、神經質人格特質對於社會支持之影響則達顯著差異。本研究結果主要可供矯正機關、未來研究者參考。
蘇烱峯、樓家祺(2021)。 不同累進處遇級別高齡受刑人在社會支持比較之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(2), 140-169。
A Comparative Study of Social Support for Older Adults Prisoners with Different Progressive Treatment Levels
Su, C. F., Lou, C. C.
English Abstract Inferring from the aging development trend of the population structure, it is foreseeable that older adults prisoners will become the main group of prisoners in the future. Related issues specific to older adults prisoners will emerge and become increasingly important. Therefore, it is appropriate to study and respond as soon as possible. The research subjects of this study were senior prisoners over 65 years of age. We applied different progressive treatment levels and basic background data as independent variables to analyze differences in social support according to these treatments. A total of 472 older adults prisoners were directly targeted 452 questionnaires were returned, with a recovery rate of 95.8%. The results of the independent sample two-factor variance showed that there were no significant interaction between different progressive treatment levels and basic background information such as sex, age, education, degree, marital status, children’s status, religious beliefs, and neurotic personality traits. Different progressive treatment levels and factors such as age, education levels, and children’s status had no significant differences on its impact on social support. Different genders, marital status, and religion . However, our study showed that there were significant differences in the influence of beliefs and neurotic personality traits on social support. The results of this study can be used as a reference for correction agencies and future researchers.Keywords:different progressive treatment levels, older adults prisoners, social support