失智照顧訓練結合電子書、虛擬實境及同儕輔導支持對居家照顧服務員 失智照顧知識、態度、能力及同理心影響之可行性初探
梁憶茹、宋惠娟、 蘇信鳳、王秀美、辜美安
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中文摘要 居家照顧服務員(簡稱居服員)常對失智症不了解,導致照顧社區失智者時常遇到挫折而感到壓力。目前失智照顧訓練課程多以傳統課室教學為主,為提升居服員對失智者照顧知能及同理心,發展結合科技之創新教學模式及輔導機制有其必要性。為探討失智照顧訓練介入對居服員失智照顧知識、態度、能力及同理心之影響及可行性。本前驅研究採單組重複測量類實驗設計,於 2020年 5 月至 8 月執行,37 位居服員接受 12 週失智照顧訓練結合失智照顧電子書、失智症虛擬實境及同儕輔導支持介入,介入前、第 8 週及 12 週進行資料收集。無母數 Friedman 檢定結果顯示介入後居服員失智照顧知識平均分數(DKAS)由前測 28.84 (±5.43)顯著升至第 12 週 31.49 (±8.34) (p=.001),但失智照顧態度、能力及同理心的提升不顯著。失智照顧訓練結合失智照顧電子書、失智症虛擬實境及同儕輔導支持提供居服員多元學習的機會,建議電子書及虛擬實境教材之介面可再精簡字數及操作步驟,並延長同儕輔導介入時間。本研究結果可做為居服員失智照顧訓練及未來實驗性研究規劃之參考。
梁憶茹、宋惠娟、 蘇信鳳、王秀美、辜美安(2021)。 失智照顧訓練結合電子書、虛擬實境及同儕輔導支持對居家照顧服務員 失智照顧知識、態度、能力及同理心影響之可行性初探。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(3), 257-272。
Preliminary Investigation on the Effect of Dementia Care Training Using Ebooks, Virtual Reality and Mentoring Support on Dementia Care Knowledge, Attitude, Competence and Empathy among Home Care Providers
Liang, Y.-R., Sung, H.-C., Su, H.-F., Wang, S.-M., Koo, M.
English Abstract Home care providers often lack an understanding of dementia, which may lead to frustration and stress while they care for community-dwelling dementia patients. Currently, most dementia training uses traditional didactic teaching style. Developing new teaching strategies using technology and mentor support is essential to improve dementia care knowledge, competence, and empathy among home care providers. This pilot study explored the feasibility and effects of a dementia care training using e-books, virtual reality and mentoring support on dementia care knowledge, attitude, competence, and empathy among home care providers. This single group repeated-measure-design study was conducted from May to August, 2020. A total of 37 home care providers received a 12-week dementia care training using e-books, virtual reality and mentoring support. Data was collected at baseline, week 8, and week 12. Non-parametric Friedman’s test results indicated that the intervention significantly improved average dementia care knowledge score (DKAS) among home care providers from 28.84 (± 5.43) at baseline to 31.49 (± 8.34) at week 12 (p =.001), but the improvements were not significant on dementia care attitude, competence, and empathy. Dementia care training using e-books, virtual reality and mentoring support could provide home care providers innovative learning opportunity. The interface of e-book and virtual reality teaching materials can be improved by reducing wording and making operating steps easier. The duration of peermentoring support for home care providers should be longer. The findings can be used as a reference for planning future dementia care training and rigorous experimental research for home care providers.ture dementia care training and rigorous experimental research for home care providers.Keywords:home care provider, dementia, e-book, virtual reality, peer mentoring support