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中文摘要 豬肉向來是國人肉類消費之大宗,因此當政府宣布自2021年1月1日開放進口含萊克多巴胺的美豬肉品(以下簡稱萊豬),反對聲浪四起,顯見食安問題再度浮上檯面。國人對於各項食品安全議題的憂慮程度會影響其在市場中的消費行為,本研究以知覺風險及對萊克多巴胺的認知,結合計畫行為理論,以萊豬為例探討影響中高齡者購買肉品消費行為意向之因素。本研究以南投縣中高齡者為研究對象,以便利取樣進行問卷發放共450份,總計回收有效問卷共424份。研究結果顯示,受訪者對於知覺風險的認同程度趨近於「非常同意」,亦即會擔心萊豬肉品的品質與來源以及對身體所產生的副作用;對於購買萊豬肉品之行為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及行為意向的認同程度,則偏向不認同;經多元迴歸分析結果顯示,受訪者購買萊豬肉品之行為態度與知覺行為控制對其行為意向具有顯著正向影響,知覺風險與對萊克多巴胺的認知則對行為意向具有負向影響力,而主觀規範對行為意向不具顯著影響力,其中影響行為意向最大因素為行為態度。當食品對人體健康存在著不確定之風險的情況下,多數受訪者其購買行為意向主要取決於本身對萊豬所持有的正面或負面評價,而家人、朋友或學者專家意見等影響不大,本研究結果可供研究中高齡在食安風險下之消費決策行為者參考。
陳聰堅、吳莉玲(2021)。 中高齡者購買肉品之行為意向研究-以萊豬為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(3), 273-291。
A Study on the Behavioral Intention of Middle-Aged and Older Adult Populations in Purchasing Meat: Taking Pork containing Ractopamine as an Example
Chen, T.-C., Wu, L.-L.
English Abstract Pork has long been a major meat consumption in Taiwan. Therefore, when the government announced that it would lift the ban on the imports of U.S. pork containing ractopamine from January 1th, 2021, strong public disapproval has come to surface. This concern highlighted the importance of food safety. The degree of most people’s worries about various food safety issues affect their consuming behavior in the market. This study uses perceived risk and awareness of ractopamine, in combination with the theory of planned behavior, to explore middle-aged people’s behavioral intentions and their influencing factors in purchasing U.S. pork containing ractopamine. Target participants were middle-aged people in Nantou County. Questionnaires were handed out by convenient sampling, of which a total of 424 valid questionnaires were returned. The result of the study shows that respondents’ recognition about perceived risk tends to be very agreeable. That is to say, most respondents are worried about the quality and source of U.S. pork containing ractopamine and any negative side effects on their health. In addition, the respondents tended to disagree with the behavioral attitude, subjective norms, perceptual behavior control, and behavioral intention of purchasing. In terms of "awareness of ractopamine", the accuracy rate of the respondents’ comprehension is over 90%, which shows that most respondents have a certain degree of understanding of ractopamine. The results of the multiple regression analysis show that the respondents’ behavioral attitudes and perceived behavioral control structures have a significant positive impact on their behavioral intentions for purchasing U.S. pork containing ractopamine. The perceived risk dimension and the cognitive dimension have a negative influence on behavioral intentions. Furthermore, subjective norms have no significant influence on behavior intentions. Among them, behavioral attitude is the major factor that affects behavioral intention. When food presents uncertain risks to human health, the purchasing behavioral intention of middle-aged and older adults mainly depends on the positive or negative evaluation they hold. However, family members, friends, or scholars’ expert opinions have little influence. The results of this study can be used as references for research consumption decision-making behaviors of middle-aged people under food safety risk.Keywords:ractopamine, food safety, perceived risk, theory of planned behavior