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中文摘要 本研究旨在研發一款具有聽力輔助和警示功能的外出背包,能將聲源轉換為震動及閃光提醒,輔助聽障者以及聽力退化之高齡族外出時更安全。背包後側安裝左右各一個麥克風組,將訊號傳導到晶片控制盒,再傳送至胸前肩帶上的夾具,夾具上設有震動器與LED可以對使用者進行警示。測試7種角度的聲響發報,距離90分貝聲源30公分時,同一邊正確啟動率為90.0%,任一邊啟動率為97.1%;距離聲源7公尺時,同一邊正確啟動率為72.9%,任一邊啟動率為74.3%。調查40位目標對象,試用後達到77.5%的整體滿意度,具有不錯的實用價值。
黃義良(2022)。 聽力輔助警示的外出背包之研發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 9(4), 363-377。
Research on producing a backpack with an assistive sound warning function
Huang, Y. –L.
English Abstract People with hearing disabilities could benefit from devices that can perceive sounds and provide a warning of a nearby sound source such as an approaching vehicle. This research aimed to develop a backpack with hearing assistive and warning functions. The backpack can convert a sound source into vibrations and visible flashing reminders, making walking outdoors safer for a hearing impaired or elderly person with a hearing loss. Microphone groups were installed on both sides on the rear of the backpack, so that signals could be transmitted to a chip control box; then, signals can be transmitted to warning devices on the chest, so that the user can be warned through vibrations and LED lights. Sound transmission was tested at seven angles. When the distance from the 90 decibel sound source was 30 cm, the correct notification rate on the same side was 90.0%, while the correct notification rate on either side was 97.1%. When the distance from the sound source increased to 7 m, the correct notification rate on the same side was 72.9%, while the correct notification rate on either side was 74.3%. We surveyed 40 target subjects and achieved 77.5% overall satisfaction after the trial. The backpack provides a practical method for detecting sounds for hearing impaired users.Keywords:backpack, message receiving, assistive devices, warning, hearing